Thursday, August 1, 2013

Unconditional love vs acceptance of actions

This has been a recurring theme for me lately.  But, I do not believe that unconditional love is the same as accepting someone's actions.  I love my son Steven with all my heart and that will never change. However, I do not accept when he hits me and kicks me.  I will do what I can to help people out no matter who they are.  Nor does it matter what they have done.  As a Christian I am called to love as God loves.  God takes people as they are when they decide to turn to Him.  God does not expect perfection when you go to Him.  Thankfully He is loving and forgiving for none of us are perfect.  As it says in Roman 3:23-For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  It is by His mercy and His grace that we have a hope of eternal life in heaven with Him.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about a lady who came into The Master's Hands on Monday. I had to help her fill out her app and she was naming people she told me that she had a partner. She mentioned several times the other lady with her partner. It makes me wonder if someone turned her away instead of helping her because of her choices.  Although I believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, there's no way I could turn her away.  It breaks my heart that someone may have turned her away because of that. I do not accept her lifestyle but I do love her and will give her all the help I can. Most of us who have come to Christ have had to have someone look past things we have done wrong to help us to be where we are now.  There is no room for prejudice while being a Christian. We shouldn't treat one person better than another just because of their stature or how they look. We should only see another child of God before us.  That is what we all are, children of the Most High God.

Take care and God bless

Just a beautiful picture of the clouds right before a hard rain hit. 

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