Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I can't seem to win


1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)

12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Today has been an odd one.  I did a good bit of running around for The Master's Hands.  I have never driven the vehicles before and had a good time.  Of course when went to Prairie Farms, I had a blond moment and went the wrong way.  It took a few minutes to figure it out.  We finally got the crates back where they belong and went back.  Before I could take off for another run, we got a call to go back and pick up milk.  We got back again and then delivered bread.  That was the last of the running.  We had a good morning, it is so nice to go up there and everyone get along and be to joke around.  Everyone up there truly cares about each other.  It doesn't matter who walks in, we care.  After we were done, a couple of the kids (yes I called you two kids) came over and cooked a great meal.  It was so much fun having them over and we laughed so much.  We finally ate after realizing we didn't have the burner on under the food.  We got back up to help with the truck that came in and of course they got back earlier than usual.  We got everything put up and headed home.  Steven got home in a great mood today.  I was a little worried as he was slapped by another student today and they said he was whiny.  I think he was just wanting their attention.  We were playing this evening and he got happy.  This can be worse than when he is mad.  It came close to that tonight.  For whatever reason he was hitting and kicking me.  Not real hard, but still.  Then he used the foot board on our bed to scoot himself up on the bed.  The foot board gave way.  So, now our bed is now on the floor.  Which that caused Steven to wanted to have his bed the same.  It is no wonder I don't get anything done.  I had planned on doing other things, but now I am dealing with the bed frames and getting them out of the way.  I then need to do some dishes and laundry.  Then maybe I can get some sleep.  I am looking forward to tomorrow and spending time with everyone. 

Take care and God bless,


Our new bedding set up

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