Saturday, August 17, 2013

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Today has been different.  Steven slept for eleven and a half hours, getting up about 7:45.  By noon he was grouchy.  We went for a ride and saw a couple of his favorite people before going to McD.  When we got home he took a nap for at least two hours.  About an hour later he started getting grumpy again.  We went and played outside some.  Steven decided he wanted to go for a ride on the mower.  So he climbed in the cart & I climbed onto the mower to head out around town.  We saw people out on dune buggies, motorcycles, 4-wheelers & other ATVs.  It is a beautiful day out there, it seems that no one wanted to be inside.  We got back home and went to the camper for awhile.  We didn't do much, I think we both came close to falling asleep.  It was nice & peaceful out there.  Then it wasn't, Steven decided he would be mad that we weren't watching That Metal Show.  I finally convinced him to go inside to see if it was on.  I knew it wasn't, but it got him in the house before a fit ensued.  We had it rough for a little bit when we first got in, but then he suddenly became happy again.  Here's to a good bedtime.

Take care and God bless,

Steven finding his happy spot with his friends and his computer.

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