Here is my answer about God not loving unconditionally. God does love unconditionally; he just can’t be with sin. That is why he forsook his son on the cross. When Jesus took our sins upon him, God had to turn away. I will try to explain this how I see it. To me it is like a child who is on drugs and the parents don’t support them. They won’t let the child live with them or give them money for their habit, but they still love their child. They ache for the child and what they are doing to themselves. They long for the child to straighten out their life and come back to them. They don’t stop loving their child; they just can’t be around what they are doing. That is unconditional love. God is the same. He loves us and he aches when we sin. He longs for us to come back to him and hurts that he can’t have us with him. His love is unconditional. He doesn’t hold our past against us. In Hebrews 8:12 it is written: For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. (NIV). God doesn’t hold it against us when go to him for forgiveness. God wants all of us to go to heaven with Him.
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