Monday, July 22, 2013

30 Days of Accountability: Day 23 and 24

Well, Sunday went good.  We went to church and gave everyone hugs. It was another uneventful day.  He ate, slept, went to Grandma's, ate and slept.  Bryan and I didn't do to much either.  It was definitely a lazy Sunday around here. 

Steven decided to get up at 3 am today (Monday).  He didn't go back to sleep.  He threw a fit some when he wasn't all but asleep.  We did that for about 2 hours until we finally got up.  He did good getting on the van for school today.  I went into today and we were swamped at The Master's Hands.  We had quite a few of new families sign up today.  I love being able to help them and get to know them.  It was probably good that I ran here, there and everywhere today.  That way I stayed awake.  I was a little stressed out come afternoon.  I went out and got Steven's meds and decided I deserved a mint oreo blizzard.  When I got back, Robin was there and let me know she had my purse there.  I gave her material left over from the quilt I made for my late nephew for his wedding.  It is beautiful.  I couldn't help but cry.  It was such a blessing to see her and to get the purse.  We had a good night at home.  Steven didn't really want to go to bed.  He sat at the computer and played Blue until I made him shut it down at 8.  Literally, had to take the mouse and shut down the game.  He finally laid down and fell asleep in about 10 minutes.  I didn't do any traditional exercise today.  But, I ran my legs off today and then vacuumed my house with a manual sweeper.  That was no small feat.  So now I am here typing to you and thinking about going to bed.  So I think I shall.

Take Care and God bless,

Hmmm, I forgot to mention on the last blog about the torrential down pour we had on Saturday.  Here is a picture from Casey's.  It had only been raining 20 minutes.  I had to walk in at least 3 inches of water to go in the store.

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