Wednesday, July 10, 2013

30 Days of Accountability: Day 12

James 1:17  NIV

17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

So today has been a day of nothing going the way I planned.  I had planned on sleeping until 5 o'clock.  Well, Steven decided that would change.  He woke up at 3:15 and stayed up.  So I go the sent off to school without trouble.  So, then I decided I would go into The Master's Hands until about 11:30 maybe noon.  Well, first there was the wonderful testimony from Gene Gertsch and his beautiful wife singing.  I don't know if any of us understood what she was singing as she sung in Spanish.  But it was a very moving song.  She sang with such feeling and you could hear her love for God in her voice.  If you aren't busy Saturday afternoon at 4 go up to the Master's Hands as they will be talking about their mission work in Mexico again.  They will also be at my church, Calhoun Christian Church on Sunday night.  Within 15 minutes of him being done we received a call from Prairie Farms with more milk for us to pick up.  We got more than we could hold, so we called some other organizations to share the blessing with them.  Before we could get all of the milk put away, we received a HUGE box of canned goods from a local business.  So that all was put up, so then four hours after starting the paperwork for tomorrow I was able to finish it.  Then before I could leave to go get the pizza from Pizza Hut that we get three times a week for our families, I had to put up a donation of pizza rolls.  By the way we are now at 1pm.  So, now the pizza is done and I have to go shop at Wal-Mart.  I get the items that we needed and what I thought all the items I needed for home.  I start leaving and realize I forgot to have the keys made.  So, I go to Pool's.  Nope, the guy that makes them was gone for the day.  3:10, I am not going back to Wally the keys can wait.  I go and take everything back to The Master's Hands.  3:30 I tell Bev good-bye (which I just got a text from her, she didn't leave until now).  I head to Calhoun and take milk over to the church for VBS on Saturday.  I get home and sit down.  To bad it was a slow day, NOT!  GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!   The surprises didn't stop there.  I was sitting on the porch and one of the cats that think they are ours decided he would sit on the bench with me.  Now G3 whines and meows at us, but we are not allowed to touch him.  This blew me away.  Steven got home and he was in a really good mood for being up so long.  It was a pretty uneventful night with the boy falling asleep about 7:15.  So to sum up, no exercise (per say), I didn't eat great, I did no housework and I didn't get any quiet time until I get off of here.  But, I think it was very productive and a day to be happy about.  I invite any of you who live around Olney to come in to the Master's Hands and check out what God does on a daily basis.  Tomorrow morning is food line day, so there will be people in and out with blessings flowing.  

Take care and God bless,

some of me, Leroy and G3

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