Wednesday, July 17, 2013

30 days of accountability: Day 19

Luke 15:7 NIV

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

It has been such an amazing and wonderful day.  I may have woke up a little bit early but I've been energized all day.  Steven was initially saying he didn't want to get up and go to school.  But eventually he came around and went.  He does love going on the van to go see Tyrin.  We had another good day at the Master's Hands. I was able to help several families today that were in need of food.  I was also able to clear up with one of our families that I was not mad at them or thinking that they were taking advantage of us.  It was wonderful Bible study time today.  I've been having fun leading it, but today was exceptional.  There was a lot of participation and I loved hearing everyone's stories.  But the highlight of my day came away from the Master's Hands.  I was able to witness a guy that comes up all the time being baptized.  I thank God for him coming to the Lord.  I took him home and he told me on the way that he felt like a new man.

Eating hasn't been the greatest today.  I got a little exercise by going outside and sweeping the sidewalk.  Steven seems to have a good day at school.  He did however tear up his Rugrat sleeping bag.  We had a good night and went out for a ride to Casey's.  Then we stopped and got some Pizza Hut pizza from under the tent so we can have that for breakfast.  Bryan will be home early again tonight.  Steven is excited that daddy will put him into his bed again tonight.  I can't think of anything else right now.  I think I'm going to head off here and finish up some housework.  I have a happy clear mind along with clean sheets and comforter on the bed.  I think that sounds like the perfect combination for a great nights sleep.

Take care and God bless

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