Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My new family

Philippians 2:1-4. NIV

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and  compassion, then make my joy complete by being like- minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourself, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

I was originally going to speak about something else. But, I decided to go with something positive instead of the negative that was originally on my mind. I have a wonderful biological family that loves me to no end. I know that they are there for me.   As being the youngest out of 7, I was picked on mercilessly as a kid.  But, even then I knew that they loved me.  If you ever have a problem with my attitude or sarcasm they are the ones to blame.

I have a beautiful family at church as well. That takes us as we are & they have no problems at all with Steven. We unfortunately did not get that every church we went to. It was mainly the bigger churches, where people were more prim and proper.  Steven loves going to greet everyone, outside the building of course you cannot stay inside to greet.  Even when it is not our official time to greet Steven is still a greeter.  And, you have to make sure to greet everyone multiple times not just once. I'm glad that everyone thinks it is funny and no one is offended.

Now for the new family I talked about in my title. My new family, is the one at the Masters Hands.  I have worked there now for about 9 months. It has been a life changing experience to say the least.  I have met some the most amazing people up there. God has placed so many different people in my life that I would have never met otherwise. We have so much fun up there, while sharing the Word of God. We definitely have our moments when we get on each others nerves. But, we know we love each other very much. So no matter what I know they are there for me. We have all come from different backgrounds and our own sorrows. I don't know the anyone else could get such a mish mash of people to get along. 

I challenge you all to step outside your comfort zone and find a group of people to serve God with  in ways you never thought of. I know that's what I did and I couldn't have asked for a better place to be.  It doesn't have to be a food pantry.  It can be simple as a Bible study or a coffee shop group of people to talk with.  God has wonderous plans for us all.  We just got to get out there and find it.

I want to clarify what I mean by wonderous plans.  I was reading different things on the internet when I went to find my verse at the end. It seems that some equate wonderous plans with everything  going right 100 percent. That is not what I mean.  If you are living for God, things will more or less never be a hundred percent right. Satan will see you doing good and try to turn your life upside down. So you can have a wonderful life and not a perfect one.

Take care & God bless,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Many Thanks and A Wedding

Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.

I have so much to be thankful for. 
1.  A hubby that will go out in the horrible weather to make money for the family 
2.  The states of Illinois and Missouri for getting their highways clean of the ice and snow, so when my hubby goes to Arkansas he only has to deal with what is left in Arkansas.
3.  The school district for cancelling school tomorrow.  When I can't go over 10 mph on the Calhoun blacktop without sliding, the buses don't need to be out.
4.  To the road crews that have worked hard to get the roads as clear as they are.  With the temps, it has been hard to do this as the rock salt hasn't had a chance to really work.
5. To Phil E. for clearing our driveways with his tractor so I didn't have to do it with a shovel.
6. For the wonderful people at Casey's and Taco Bell for helping me when I was being stupid.  (hard to believe I was that way I know)
7.  My great family for helping keep Steven happy before the wedding.  Esp. Uncle Jeff and Jen for letting him ride part way with them.
8. For God keeping me safe on the drive to and from Collinsville today and for keeping Steven happy long enough to be at the wedding.

I know there are others that I am missing, but that is what I can think of right now.

The wedding!  My niece Courtney got married today!  I was worried I wouldn't get to go, but I did.  She has gone from a cute little girl to a beautiful young woman.  I wish her and Shane many year of happiness and God's blessings. It was a lovely wedding but also a humorous one.  I hope they keep the humor, they will need at times during their marriage.  I just don't think Shane realizes what he got himself into by marrying into our family.  

Take care and God bless,


Steven, Courtney and Baby Bear
Courtney was getting her picture taken by where we were waiting before the wedding.  Steven kept trying to go over with her.  We were teasing Courtney about taking a picture with Baby Bear.  She picked him up to do so and Steven took him from her.  It's blurry but I love it.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

It happens year round, but right now it seems there are more out there with the holiday season.  I am talking about commercials trying get support for various charities.  I can sit here and think which ones should I support.  How do we decide what to donate to.  Simple it is what our heart believes in the most.  It is more than likely something that has touched our hearts.  I am more likely to give to a charity for autism or cancer than I am to give to one for epilepsy or downs syndrome.  Simply because I am touched on a personal level by autism and cancer.  It isn't because I don't think the others aren't worth the time and money, I just have only so much to give.  I pray when I see the commercials for the ones I don't donate to that God's finds the means for them to receive donations.  I pray that those who can give to a multitude of charities does so.  I realize that not everyone can give money, but possibly your time.  Even taking the time to pray, is a big help.  

God knows when we give to him and others we need to be sincere about our giving.  Ananias and Sapphira didn't and it got them killed.  I don't think we will be killed over it, but it will weigh heavy on us if we don't do it out of the goodness of our hearts.  It will also run the chance of us having the feeling of animosity and less likely to give at a later time to a charity we really care about.  

This goes back to an earlier blog about you never know what someone is going through.  Don't judge someone because they don't support the same charity as you.  Their heart will be touched by what has touched their lives.  

During this holiday season, please keep everyone in prayer.  We have just passed Thanksgiving and coming up on Christmas and New Year's.  It is a hard time for a lot of people for different reasons.  I pray that everyone finds peace this year and a loving place to celebrate the holidays.

Take care and God bless,

Nick as a baby.  One reason that Christmas is hard.  It reminds me of losing him.  But, I know that my family will all gather together on Christmas and we will have a great time even while grieving Nick and others we have lost.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV

16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. So thankful for my family. We went to Bryan's brothers house for lunch. Steven did better than he usually does, we got to stay for about 2 hours.  He was actually there for about an hour and a half before he asked to go for a ride in Uncle Mart's truck.  He didn't even mind that Marco and Macy were in the house.   He would not go to Uncle Steve's house though. I went over without Bryan and Steven, but still had a good time.   Not a lot of the Ratcliffe family were able to get together but we had a good time and good food. Family is precious I love mine to pieces. It doesn't hurt that we can all cook.  :)  Looking forward to everyone coming over for Christmas at my house. Going to have to start getting ready for it . Gotta start cleaning and cooking and decorating.  It's been a little over 4 years since Mom has been gone and we're coming up on the five years of Nick being gone.  Christmas has not been the same since, but the thought of seeing all my family and it helps me through. If you know someone who has family missing this year or no family to gather with , please reach out to them.  Keep them in prayer & in your heart. 

Steven is getting upset that I'm talking & doing my blog.  So I'm cutting this off, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving & have a wonderful Christmas time.

Take care & God bless,


The grandkids Thanksgiving 1998

Saturday, November 9, 2013

you can't roller skate in a buffalo herd

I don't know how many of you know that song I know it from Roger Miller's version.    it has been stuck in my head all day it has made me happy thinking about my childhood when I first heard it.  the day has been long as Steven is being a grouch, he didn't even want to go see Bev the 2 times we went by.  there was a dinner tonight for those who volunteer at the master's hands,  I really wanted to go. but Steven decided otherwise, so all I could do was stop in a couple times and say hi.  the second time Nick came out to get the soup for my van and talk to Steven for a little bit.  of course Nick was up to his old shenanigans so he made me smile. Steven has been very whiny and not overly cooperative for most of the day.  however, he did take his bath the best he has in a long time.  so I rejoice over that as well.  the housework still has a lot to get done.  but I am still plowing through it @ a reasonable pace and not getting overwhelmed.  so that makes me very happy also.  I'm sitting here in the big purple chair with Callie on my lap debating if I'm going to redo this on the big computer.  I'm using my voice action on my smartphone right now to get this typed it out.   is a blessing to have with the problems I'm having with my wrists and carpal tunnel.  so we'll have to see if I correct all the punctuation and capitalization errors. God's blessings are big and small, sometimes the small ones are hard to see.   but, God knows what we need when we need it even the small things matter to him. 

take care and God bless,

Steven and his new panda bear he got. it doesn't seem like much but he loves it. especially since we had to retire White Bear he has not had a big one like this.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The moment when

Mark 12:28-34 NIV

The Greatest Commandment

28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
 There is no commandment greater than these.”
32 “Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. 33 To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”
34 When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions.

I had to go to Champaign yesterday to pick up a script for Steven.  I got to Carle and went to the bathroom.  I looked in the mirror and came the awkward moment when you realize you are fat and ugly.  Then came the joyous moment when you realize it doesn't matter.  It has no bearing on whether or not you go to heaven.  Unless of course you obsess over it and it detracts you from God.  Follow the Lord your God. That is all you have to do.  Not to say it is always easy. There are times when you just want to throw in the towel and take the easy way out.  But, then you think about all the wonderful blessings you have received and bestowed on others by following God and you realize it is all worth it.  Nothing can compare to his blessings and his beauty.  You can have the most money in the world, but it can't but the blessings that God has for you.  You can be the prettiest person in the world, but your beauty is nothing compared to the beauty of nature God has given us.  

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Then comes on the Sonic commercial about appearance and what is on the inside.  We need to remember to keep the inside of your heart clean and it is what matters, not our appearance.

Matthew 23:27  NIV
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

Take Care and God Bless,

The beautiful moon

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Be a Christian

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be kind. Always!

The above task can sometimes be hard to do,  to always be kind.  But, that is what we need to strive to do as Christians.  Working at the food bank, I come across people quite a bit that are scared to come in.  They have had people make fun of them or turn them away.  They feel as though they have nowhere to go.  They have not been shown the true love of God. I have been in situations where people have not show me kindness, even at a church. They look at my son and have no clue why he acts the way he does. They think that I must be doing a bad job at parenting. They don't take the time to see what Steven's need really is. You can have all the money in the world, the best and biggest family, or the largest number of friends. But, without God you can face battles with all that in place and still feel alone. Don't judge people by what you know because generally you don't know the whole story. Talk to the person get to know them and see what you can do to help them through. Sometimes all they need a shoulder to cry on or a smile from a friendly face. They need to know they're not alone and that there are people that care. We have to allow Christ to shine through us so people can come to us when in need. We also have to let people come and help us in our times of need also.  It is a blessing to help others out, so we cannot steal that from others when they need to be there for us.  So, when you see that child that is acting out, please don't just assume that the child is a brat.  For all you know the child knows no other way to act because of disabilities. Even if he is acting that way because he's a brat, do you really think the parents need you to tell them that. They need support not being looked down on.  The family you see using food stamps in the grocery line, don't assume that they're throwing away their money on other things. For all you know they have never smoked, drank, or taken a single drug in their life. They just hit hard times and need the help like we all do occasionally.  Even if they are throwing them anyway on other things please just smile and say a prayer. They do not need your condemnation they need the love of God shining through you.

Take Care and God Bless


The beautiful sky from a sunset and the moon rising in the other horizon at the same time.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quiet Time

Matthew 6:1-8  NIV

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

I love having time with just my hubby and son.  It is rewarding to be with them and no one else around, to help become closer.  Well, usually closer we have been known to drive each other nuts.  Just like I need the time with my family, I need the alone time with God.  The above verses talk about the importance of being alone when you pray to God.  It also talks about doing good anonymously.  It is rewarding to know that you are having the one on one time with God.  It is rewarding to do the good for others in secret.  Just to see how happy they are and thankful for what has been done.  It helps to make sure the glory goes to God and not you.  I for one am uncomfortable when people make a fuss over how well I do something or tell me how hard of a worker I am for God. I don't do it for people to see what I do and think I am wonderful for it.  I do it because it is the right thing to do.  God has given me so much and I don't see how I can ever match it with doing good for Him.  The best thing is, I don't have to match it.  I just have to go out and make the most out of the opportunities God gives me.  Don't do your works for praise from man, it doesn't matter in the end what every one thinks of you.  It matters in the end why you did the works you did.  If you do it because you love God and want to do His will, you will reap your reward in heaven.  

Take care and God bless,

Steven and I took an impromptu walk the other night and this was the focus of a lot of our discussion.  He loves talking about the moon.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

This is one of my favorite verses.  It always has been and it means even more to me now.  Love does make the world go round.  Love is what makes it all worth it.  Love is.  You remember those little cartoons don't you?  I will have to try and find a good one to put at the end.  It is so important to surround yourself with love on a daily basis.  If you can't find it at home, do your best to find a place to find it.  It definitely helps you survive the hard times.  It is such a sad thought that there are so many people out there that can't find love at home.  So many children that can't find love at home.  I pray that you may find love where ever you may go.  Love makes life life.  Last night we had family time.  We got to hang out and sleep under the same roof at the same time.  We don't always get that and it's great when we do.  Steven loves his dad and loves when he gets time with him.  I think he gets tired of mom, even though he loves me.  God has the love out there and he wants you to find it.  

Take care and God bless,

It isn't as old as I wanted but here it is

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The wild ride called life

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

The past several weeks have been interesting to say the least.  I have seen happiness, I have seen sorrow, I have seen anger, I have seen pride, I have seen greed and so much more.  God will lead you in places you could have never imagined you would go.  Especially doing it joyfully and without reserve. I never thought I could have run things at the pantry like I have had to without having a anxiety attack.  Granted, I did have all but a nervous breakdown last week.  I know that God places people in our life to help us through.  God has placed so many people in my life that has helped me through and others that have made me crazy. Somehow, I start with one thought and then when I start the blog it goes elsewhere.  I have totally lost my train of thought.  I do know though that we have the best volunteers at The Master's Hands.  Bev has needed to be gone most of this week and now I can't really do anything but sit and do desk work.  I went to the doctor yesterday and I seem to have nerve damage in my arms.  I have been told not to do anything that will make my arms tingle or go numb.  Well, I am not really liking this.  I seriously can't hardly do anything without having problems.  Driving even makes it act up.  But everyone has stepped up and taken care of things.  Especially when we got the over 80 crates of fruit punch plus crates of other items.  I was bad and helped load it and unload some, but stopped when it started to really act up.  The best part of the day, my hubby was off (well, that wasn't the best) and helped me with getting things taken care of.  It was great to spend the time with him.  Steven had a decent night until bed.  He started acting up again.  Last night we had an over hour fit.  It was pretty short lived tonight and went to bed after about 10 minutes and went right to sleep.  He is under the blankie in the picture.  Here is to another great day tomorrow.  I guess first, I need to say I miss my mommy!  Today marks 4 years since my mom passed away.  Tomorrow starts services for two wonderful men here in Richland County.  We say good-bye to Jackie and Father Jerry.  The best thing, we will see them again in heaven.  To all who are missing others from their life, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Take Care and God bless,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don't stop growing

2 Peter 3:18 NIV

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

The past two weeks have been very trying and very rewarding.  Bev has been gone 5 days from up at The Master's Hands over that period.  So I have had to step up and take care of things.  I thank God that he gave me the ability to do this, but most of all for giving me such wonderful help up there.  It is truly a team effort up there and I love all of the great volunteers that come in. Then we Steven acting up over that time period as well.  He has been not wanting to get on the van and go to school.  The good thing, once he is one and they take off he is fine.  He thinks he should get to go on vacation again. Oh the joys of trying to explain it to him. It is doesn't help, but maybe someday it will.  He continues to grow day by day.  He amazes me at how far he has come and I know he only has more greatness ahead.  

One of the reasons Bev was gone was to go to a seminar to learn more about how to make the most of serving God and helping others.  She has been fired up and fired all of us up!  She has grown in her walk with God.  I know that she will help us all grow as well.  I know that with the responsibilities I had to step into has helped me grow in my walk with the Lord.  I have seen others grow the past two weeks as well.  

For all of you out there who only go to fellowship with other Christians on Sunday morning are missing out.  The more you gather together in the name of the Lord the more you grow.  I have seen God give people the strength to say no to temptation just from being up at The Master's Hands on a daily basis.  They have come in to volunteer and have been fed.  They have learned to turn from temptation.

God has given us a dance floor, a stage, a table and other ways to serve him and grow with others.  Don't ever stop growing!

Take care and God bless,


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Power of prayer and God's perfect timing

Ecclesiastes 8:6 (NIV)

For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter,
    though a person may be weighed down by misery.

I decided to come here tonight and do another blog.  It has been a wonderful night!  Bryan found out that he wasn't able to get a load today so he was going to be home.  So, I got the chance to go to Godsippers!  I always love when I get the chance to go.  I wasn't sure what was going on, but to be with my sisters in Christ is always a good time.  About 3:30 this afternoon I received a call from Amy who usually leads wasn't going to be able to be there.  I told her I would take care of it.  I quickly had the idea of having a prayer and praise night.  We had 16 women and 5 children there.  We had several sessions of prayer for ladies.  It was such a moving night.  I had them pray for me as well.  I brought up somethings that I hadn't planned on and found help for some of my problems.  God knew that I was needed at Godsippers tonight and that I needed to be at Godsippers.  God knew that there a lot of us that were needing prayer and gave us the opportunity to be there for each other.  Listen when God talks to you, he will speak to your heart.  God will let you know what you need and how to help others.  He will place rainbows, cherry blossoms, moons and other little things to help you smile and help make your day go better.  

Take care and God bless,


Steven's newest Sesame Street skit.

Herry:  Hi Tricia

Tricia: Oh hi Herry

Herry:  Nice moon huh

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Open your heart to God

James 1:5  NIV

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Open you heart to God.  Are you waiting for his healing?  Are you hurting or questioning a decision God has made?  Open your heart to God.  Will opening our heart help us find out why God does what he does?  Good chance that it won’t.  Open your heart to God.  Looking for your purpose in life?  Wanting to know which direction to go?  Open your heart to God.    You can’t accept God’s healing powers and direction without having an open heart.  God wants to give you what you need, but he can’t until you open your heart.  Does God know what we need without asking?  Yes he does, but he can’t give you what you need if you don’t open your heart to him. 

This is pretty short, but I felt like it was what was needed to be said.  I know that when my nephew Nick passed away, I had so many doubts and questions.  I didn't go to God and tell him how I felt.  He knew how I felt, but I didn't open my heart to tell him.  Once I did, I was able to start healing and moving on.   

Take care and God bless,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Keeping my brothers and sisters in Christ close

Matthew 18:20 (NIV)

20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

I am so thankful that God has placed me at The Master's Hands.  I am so blessed to be able to gather together with my spiritual family so many days of the week.  I know that it has been what has gotten me through the past several months. 

Today was Steven's IEP meeting.  I was unable to drive over to his school, and did it via phone.  I miss seeing everyone over there, maybe next time.  I knew that it was going to be a hard one with the people that were invited to the meeting. Something is always up when the district has a certain person at the meeting.  I had Bev pray with me before I left as I knew it would be a rough one.  My anxiety has been up enough the way it is.  The district wants to see about sending Steven to a workshop at least one day a week.  They say so he can get adjusted to being out and about in Richland county.  Hello!  He does get out and interact with people here.  I said it was a bad idea as it would be rough on Steven to have different places on different days.  ICA agreed with me, that it wouldn't be good for him.  The transition services guy even said Steven wasn't ready for a workshop setting.  Somehow the people who deal Steven the least think they know what is best.  We are meeting again in December to explore the possibility of him doing that.  The district also says that there are problems daily on the van.  News to me!  Somehow things are never brought up until the meeting and then they expect me to have input about it.  I made it known more than once that I was unhappy about the lack of communication.  I don't how they expect me to help correct something I don't know about. 

Anyway, it all comes down to this.  I am glad I get to gather together with a lot of people tomorrow.  Food line is tomorrow and it will lift my spirits.  I also look forward to October when I am starting a support group for those who are caregivers of special needs children/adults.  More info to come on that. 

I thank God for the great support group his has given me with my physical family, spiritual family and friends.  I know that I couldn't be where I am without them.

Take Care and God Bless,

This a picture that Steven took.  My two favorite people in the world!  Well their feet and legs at least.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I can't seem to win


1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)

12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Today has been an odd one.  I did a good bit of running around for The Master's Hands.  I have never driven the vehicles before and had a good time.  Of course when went to Prairie Farms, I had a blond moment and went the wrong way.  It took a few minutes to figure it out.  We finally got the crates back where they belong and went back.  Before I could take off for another run, we got a call to go back and pick up milk.  We got back again and then delivered bread.  That was the last of the running.  We had a good morning, it is so nice to go up there and everyone get along and be to joke around.  Everyone up there truly cares about each other.  It doesn't matter who walks in, we care.  After we were done, a couple of the kids (yes I called you two kids) came over and cooked a great meal.  It was so much fun having them over and we laughed so much.  We finally ate after realizing we didn't have the burner on under the food.  We got back up to help with the truck that came in and of course they got back earlier than usual.  We got everything put up and headed home.  Steven got home in a great mood today.  I was a little worried as he was slapped by another student today and they said he was whiny.  I think he was just wanting their attention.  We were playing this evening and he got happy.  This can be worse than when he is mad.  It came close to that tonight.  For whatever reason he was hitting and kicking me.  Not real hard, but still.  Then he used the foot board on our bed to scoot himself up on the bed.  The foot board gave way.  So, now our bed is now on the floor.  Which that caused Steven to wanted to have his bed the same.  It is no wonder I don't get anything done.  I had planned on doing other things, but now I am dealing with the bed frames and getting them out of the way.  I then need to do some dishes and laundry.  Then maybe I can get some sleep.  I am looking forward to tomorrow and spending time with everyone. 

Take care and God bless,


Our new bedding set up

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Today has been different.  Steven slept for eleven and a half hours, getting up about 7:45.  By noon he was grouchy.  We went for a ride and saw a couple of his favorite people before going to McD.  When we got home he took a nap for at least two hours.  About an hour later he started getting grumpy again.  We went and played outside some.  Steven decided he wanted to go for a ride on the mower.  So he climbed in the cart & I climbed onto the mower to head out around town.  We saw people out on dune buggies, motorcycles, 4-wheelers & other ATVs.  It is a beautiful day out there, it seems that no one wanted to be inside.  We got back home and went to the camper for awhile.  We didn't do much, I think we both came close to falling asleep.  It was nice & peaceful out there.  Then it wasn't, Steven decided he would be mad that we weren't watching That Metal Show.  I finally convinced him to go inside to see if it was on.  I knew it wasn't, but it got him in the house before a fit ensued.  We had it rough for a little bit when we first got in, but then he suddenly became happy again.  Here's to a good bedtime.

Take care and God bless,

Steven finding his happy spot with his friends and his computer.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Trials and blessings

Romans 12:12 (NIV)

12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

The past few weeks have been trying.  Between big trials and big blessings.  Things are slow again for Bryan at work and Steven's anxiety (and mine) has been up.  But, we had a good trip, one of the best ever.  God kept my van with gas in it until payday.  I have had people try my patience and I have had others that have given me many smiles.  I have had fallen deep into depression and I have had friends pull me up from it.  I have had my child get physically aggressive with me and I have had my child be the sweetest he has ever been.  I have been to a point where I couldn't pray and I have had my mind blown by how to change my prayers.  I have learned over the past several months that to never doubt God.  (I won't say I haven't had anxiety attacks that have made me temporarily forget it.)  I thank God for sending me up to Godsippers which introduced me to The Master's Hands.  The Master's Hands has introduced me to myself and how to rely fully on God.  Please remember that anyone who reads this, I am there to help you get through your trials.  I may not live near or even the same country as you, but I will do what I can for you.  I want to make sure you are not alone here on earth.  Walk with God and he will be there by your side. 

Take Care and God bless,

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a physical promise from God.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tired and more.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20  NIV
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

I started this blog yesterday with every intent of posting it.  Well, my son had other thoughts.  He had a meltdown of the magnitude that only happens every few years.  When Steven is screaming and not just crying in frustration at the end, you know it was a doosy for him as well as you.  I won't go into it much, but thankfully it doesn't happen at that level very often. 

Today was a better day.  He didn't throw any fits just the occasional item.  His anxiety has been pretty high since we have been back from Tennessee.  I realized earlier I haven't been on for a while, so I haven't let you know that our cat Dodger passed away while we were gone.  So the list for Steven to fret over has been kinda big.  There is coming back from vacation, his favorite kitty gone, going back to school, having a new aide in the van and there may be more than that.  It's not like he can really tell me.  So tomorrow he goes back to school, so hopefully we will be on an upward swing. 

Below is the original post for last night.  It still holds true today.  Last night was one of the hard times.  One of the VERY hard times.  But, God loves me and it took a few hours but I came out of it.

I'm tired of being tired.  I'm tired of being in pain. I'm tired of being anxious. I'm tired of being everything I shouldn't.  This is what I am and this is what I should be. I am a daughter of the Most High, that means I'm a princess.  I have a heavenly Father that will get me through everything.  I am done with excuses, I'm ready to break down the walls and get on with it.  I know I will have days that will be hard, I have to remember who I am.  I am one of God's little princesses.  When I run the race, I don't have to finish in one day.  I just have to run to the next checkpoint. 

I want to take a minute to thank each and everyone of you.  For your love and for your support.  God and you with God's help gets me through.

Take Care & God Bless

This is a cross stitch I did several years back.  I have to remember this is how I should love.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Keeping it together

Philippians 4:6-7

New International Version (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I haven't been on much lately and I didn't finish my last 30 day.  The anxiety is hitting hard lately, but I am trucking along as much as I can.  Steven is out of school right now and his anxiety is up as well.  So I'm sure you know that is not a good combination.  We are getting on each other's nerves pretty much.  I am trying to plow through the housework, but seems like every time I get going good, I am interrupted by Steven needing attention.  I guess I will get done what I can and tackle the rest when he heads back.  God definitely still has my brain looking for ways to serve him.  I am really looking forward to going back to the Master's Hands next week.  I miss everyone up there.  I even had to go in for a few minutes on Thursday, just to see their smiling faces.  I have posted the verses above all over my house in hopes to keep my head together.  I need to sit down and write down all of the verses about anxiety and keep them close.  I think the worst part is the fact that I am mad at myself that I can't keep it together.  That makes me spiral more than about anything.  I can't tear myself down, I have to build up.  I am proud of myself though that I was able to get several chores done today.  I think I am going to stop now.  It seems to me that I am not flowing with my thoughts and it is hurting my head trying to make them.

Take Care and God Bless,


Saturday, August 3, 2013

My time to whine and other things

This is not going to be an easy one to put out there.  I am definitely baring a lot with this blog.  As you know my son Steven is autistic and can be very physically aggressive.  Through the years, I have wondered many a things about why Steven is my son.  I know that I studied autism years before I had him, I know I have a degree in Early Childhood Development, I know my hubby went to school to be a teacher and I know that God has been there for us.  BUT WHY!!!!!!!!  So many times I have prayed to God while Steven is having fits to help him calm down and to make him sleep.   I didn't know why God would let it continue.  I still don't know why God lets us go through this.  I have been noticing lately that when I am in control of my anxiety that Steven's tends to be high.  I would get so upset, why can't we both be good at once.  Then it hit me hard the other day.  The anxiety is initially caused by a physical chemical imbalance in the brain.  I knew that Satan comes in and helps it along.  Satan is causing my son's anxiety to go up as well!  Why did I never think of this before?  I know that I have to do so much for Steven because he can't do or handle it himself.  I have to get rid of this for him also.  I was having such a good morning and attacking the mounds of housework and everything blew up with Steven.  After so long, I just started crying.  Which didn't help because that upset Steven as well that mommy was crying.  I listened to Los Lonely Boys' song Forgiven as I couldn't pray myself.  The song fit my mood perfect.  Especially the first verse.  Then I felt something inside me to tell the devil to leave my son alone.  I did and Steven calmed down and I calmed down for the most part.  I guess I should say that before I turned on the song, I sent a message to some of the ladies I know and asked to pray for me.  The rest of the day was pretty uneventful until bedtime.  We had another fit.  I didn't do my usual praying for Steven, but decided to pray WITH him.  So I was telling Steven to say God we pray for peace.  At which point Steven would say promise.  We did this about 3 times and then he was calm.  He went to sleep.  Why didn't God let me think of this sooner?  WHY?  I am grateful that I have this new tool, but why so long.  Aug 5th my son will turn 19.  WHY?  I know we aren't supposed to question the wisdom of the Lord, but I can't help but think WHY.  I would like to say that I could ask him in heaven, but I know that I won't have this memory at that time.  It will be a thing of the past.  Maybe God said this to me before and I wasn't listening.  That is totally possible.  Thank you to all of you who think of my family when you pray.  Thank you to all of you who think of us as you go about your day.  I thank God for not making us alone on our journey.  I really can't think of anything else to say so I will stop now.

Take Care and God Bless,

This picture was taken by my mom almost 19 years ago.  It was probably the first picture ever taken of Steven.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Unconditional love vs acceptance of actions

This has been a recurring theme for me lately.  But, I do not believe that unconditional love is the same as accepting someone's actions.  I love my son Steven with all my heart and that will never change. However, I do not accept when he hits me and kicks me.  I will do what I can to help people out no matter who they are.  Nor does it matter what they have done.  As a Christian I am called to love as God loves.  God takes people as they are when they decide to turn to Him.  God does not expect perfection when you go to Him.  Thankfully He is loving and forgiving for none of us are perfect.  As it says in Roman 3:23-For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  It is by His mercy and His grace that we have a hope of eternal life in heaven with Him.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about a lady who came into The Master's Hands on Monday. I had to help her fill out her app and she was naming people she told me that she had a partner. She mentioned several times the other lady with her partner. It makes me wonder if someone turned her away instead of helping her because of her choices.  Although I believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, there's no way I could turn her away.  It breaks my heart that someone may have turned her away because of that. I do not accept her lifestyle but I do love her and will give her all the help I can. Most of us who have come to Christ have had to have someone look past things we have done wrong to help us to be where we are now.  There is no room for prejudice while being a Christian. We shouldn't treat one person better than another just because of their stature or how they look. We should only see another child of God before us.  That is what we all are, children of the Most High God.

Take care and God bless

Just a beautiful picture of the clouds right before a hard rain hit.