Thursday, December 27, 2012


Proverbs 13:24 NIV
24He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

I don't know if it is because I am sitting here watching all sorts of PBS Kids shows, but I am thinking again of how much competition has been taken out of our children's lives.  I don't understand how we are preparing them for life when we remove competition.  To me it is part of spoiling our children.  We are placed with the wonderful task of gearing our children for surviving life.  Whether we are a parent, a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle or a teacher we are blessed with this task.  If we don't teach them how to lose properly or how to handle a bad grade, we are not doing them a favor.  But we might hurt their feeling!  That is part of life and it is our job to make them feel better when this happens.  To me it is being lazy when we don't want children to face these problems that way we don't have to deal with it.  I had people tell me not to say no to Steven when he was younger.  They said I shouldn't teach him that negative word or he didn't understand it.  My reply was always that it was my responsibility to teach him how to deal with no and that he wouldn't learn what it meant if I didn't use it.  We HAVE to teach our children about competition and how to be Christians while dealing with winning, losing, achieving and failing.  We can't go overboard with competition either, don't push them to be the best and forget they are children and need to be children. I know that I am still teaching Steven to deal with highs and lows in his life and will probably never be done.  But it is my pleasure to do so.  I know they say Autism is a communication disorder, but I feel Steven's is more of a comprehension disorder.  Steven can tell me what he wants for the most part, but he doesn't understand why I tell him no to going on vacation or that I can't find his favorite video at Wal Mart.  But I have to keep plugging along, I can't know when he might finally understand.  We need to start with our children early to teach them to handle let downs.  The longer we wait the harder it is for them.  But like I said earlier it is also important for them to be children.  Just remember to pray for God's guidance in keeping the balance.  Of course now I will tell you that there is one thing we absolutely should not be in competition in.  We should not compete to be a better Christian than anyone else.  We should work to be a better Christian for God and work to help others be better Christians.  God's love and Heaven should be the one thing we don't want to try to outdo each other on, but build each other up.  Whether it is encouraging, praying or studying together we need to push each other.  My New Year's Resolution is to chose at least one person or family to encourage each week.  Think about paying it forward with God's love as your resolution.  But you know what, if you don't do a resolution (like I usually don't) just try to do good throughout the year to each other.

Take Care and God Bless,

Quick family update:

Bryan does NOT need surgery on his thub
I am feeling better than I have in years and am up to doing housework like you wouldn't beieve.
Steven is Steven.  He can be doing great and then out of nowhere have a meltdown.  He seems to be doing better overall.  With the exception that he threw a book up on my mother in laws on Christmas (which we were only there 10 minutes as he didn't want to stay) and we couldn't get it down.  He is obsessed with it right now.  Replacement on the way it could be a long wait.

Just a picture to hopefully make you smile!

Monday, November 19, 2012

fits, pain and a broken thumb

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

Well, it has been a while since I have been on here.  We have been having some major issues with Steven.  Steven is now back in school and doing better on the ride, but when we get there, he is still mad and having fits.  We were worried he was going to kick out a window at the school last week.  He also had a meltdown over me going and taking a shower.  He has never done that.  I finally got to take one when I agreed to leave the bathroom door open while he went up front to play with Bryan. 
We will see how he does after the 4 day weekend this week.

I went back to my rhuematologist and waited for 2 1/2 hours for him to come in and say he didn't see anything in the blood tests and I am probably just overdoing it.  WHAT!!!!  Anyway, I went to my regular doctor and he is treating me for fibromyalgia.  I started the half dose of the new meds yesterday.  I don't know if I didn't eat something that makes it act up or the half dose, but I am not in as much pain today.  For the past 3-4 days I have felt like I was sandwiched between 2 slabs of concrete that had rocks sticking out of it.  I still didn't sleep real well last night and woke up by 3, but hopefully it will get better.

Now for the broken thumb.  Bryan was out riding his bike in the woods and wrecked.  I panic a good bit when he says that anyway, but this time he was complaining about his thumb.  He thinks it slammed into the handlebars or a tree.  He just thought it was hurt, he could move it and it wasn't bruised up.  Well the next day he was at the doctor's office anyway and they told him to go get xrays.  Yep, it is broke.  He goes tomorrow to the orthopedic doctor to see what they say.

See, even without Steven acting up there is excitement in my house.  All I can do is wait on the Lord to help get Steven lined out in His time frame.  Wait on the Lord to help my pain and heal Bryan's thumb.  But as the ladies at Godsippers always say. "Don't worry, God's got this!"  I will take their advice and go as happy go lucky as I can and find the good in the day.  Like the beautiful sunrise this morning on our way to Fairview Heights.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  I hope you all find peace in the Lord and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Take care and God bless,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oh be careful little mouth

Proverbs 15:1 NIV

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Galations 6 NIV

6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.

I am seeing so many people who confess to be Christian continually doing and saying things that are not done with love.  How can you do such a thing!  God commands us to love. 

When you see the members of Westboro church showing signs saying that God hates fags, please remember that is not how a Christian is called to act.  Even when we believe that being gay is a sin.  If God hated homosexuals for their sin, then He would hate us all because we all sin!  God cannot be where there is sin as shown when he had to turn His back on Jesus when he took our sins on himself while on the cross. I am so ready for the elections to be over as a lot of things that are aggrivating me are due to things being said out on the campaign trail.

If you have someone being a "Christian" bully to you, please let me know and I will have a good heart to heart with them.  When they say they are Christians and act like they do, they are as good as taking the Lord's name in vain. 

Ok, soapbox done for now. 

FYI,  Steven has been doing pretty good since staying home.  He ripped one shirt last night when I was gone, but went 2 days without doing that.  We are planning on taking him to the Gulf Coast soon to see if that will help his school issues, but who knows.  We took him "camping" twice over the summer. 

As always take care and God bless.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No thank you, God will send help

Psalm 57:3 NIV

He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me; Selah God sends his love and his faithfulness.

I try so hard to make sure and not be like the old joke I have heard so many times.  And please my dear friends that are facing Sandy right now, this is not a poke at you.  It talks  about a guy who is stuck on his roof during a flood.  A boat, a helicopter and others come to help him and he refuses saying that God will save him.  Of course he dies and when he gets to heaven he questions God on why he didn't help him.  God promptly says he tried to but the man refused the sent help. 

I feel like I am drowning in life so many times.  I try to keep it inside and not bother others, but then I remember that is how God helps us.  It is with our friends and family.  Not letting them pray for us or give words of encouragement I am stealing blessings and joy from them.  I am so eager to try and pray and help all I can, I need to give the opportunity to others.  I thank God so much for the friends and family I have in these trying times.  It is through their help sent by God that we get through.  I am overwhelmed at the amount of people who are truly moved by the life of my son.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I ended up crying tears of joy yesterday and not frustration after seeing how many people responded to my post about keeping Steven home.  You each are truly a blessing to this family.  There are plenty more out there that didn't respond, but read and kept us in prayer that blessed us as well.  Again, thank you , thank you, thank you.  May God bless and keep each and everyone of you.  BTW, Steven had a very good day at home yesterday.  Today, we are going to try and go up to The Master's Hands with him.  Get him out a little and interact with others.  Take care and God bless.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The mind

1 Peter 5:7 NIV
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

My mind is so out of it lately.  I have been sick, stressed and tired.  Steven is driving this mind into lala land quite a bit.  It just wants to shut down and do nothing.  I just keep repeating so many sayings from Dr Seuss it isn't funny.  Mice on ice, ice on mice.  Of course then there is the things we talk about morning noon and night.  The mind can't focus on anything else.  He rips his shirts out of no where when no one is asking anything from him. Such as tonight we got home and he was watching his videos in his room and next thing we know he is ripping his shirt.    I need to get my brain thinking without overwhelming it.   Maybe I should have people ask me questions on facebook throughout the day to make my brain concentrate.  I am thinking I need to find a Bible study group over by his school to give me alittle extra thought material.  It has been a long day yet again with arguing with my child, listening to him scream and grunt, being hit and kicked by him and just listening to him gripe.  I love the quiet, I really do.  To all of you out there who deal with what I have, better than I have it and worse than I have it take care and God bless.


A quiet and resting Steven from this summer when he wore clothes without ripping them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Loss for words

Romans 8:26 NIV

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

The last several months have been hard and exhausting.  Between Steven's behaviors, not feeling the best, trying to keep life in general going and losing my sweet Stumpy, I am spent.  Steven is still ripping his shirts and underwear and it is driving us nuts.  The last few days have been a little better, but we still have a long way to go.  This is the worst time of year for my allergies and they are through the roof with all the leaves changing.  Life in general can wear me down and it has some, but not as bad as it has before.  I wasn't ready to lose Stumpy, she was at the vet on Saturday and he said she didn't need to be put down since she still had a good quality of life.  She did until about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning.  I thought I would have time to prepare me and Steven, but didn't.  I keep telling him Stumpy had to go live with the doctor because she is sick.  Which may come back and bite me in the butt next time he is sick and has to go to the doctor.  I guess I need to quit feeling sorry for myself and go out and walk here at this beautiful park. 

Take Care and God bless,


Meremec Greenway/Wabash Frisco and Pacific Railhead area

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Proverbs 3:5-6

5Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

I know that I cannot understand God and that I need to lean on Him, but can't he let me have my way occassionally.  Steven is driving us nuts with wanting to go camping.  If he could just understand why we can't go camping it would be easier for all involved.  I would also love for him to understand that the Bugs Bunny movie he keeps asking about isn't on DVD.  I would love for him to understand that he will be picked up by mom and dad after school and not be so anxious.  I wish he could understand that Grandma's kitty Calvin has died and we can't see her anymore.  She passed away several months ago.  I am thankful though that he does continue to learn more and understand more.  He has talked to me for quite some time about the light in the sky (lightning), thunder and rain.  Today, he was able to listen to the wind blowing outside the window and tell me windy.  This was the first time this has happened.  We talked about it several times today.  I thank God so much for that.  It is wonderful when I have more things to discuss with my son.   I pray that God gets a way for me to explain to Steven about Stumpy when it is time to put her to sleep.  He worries about that girl and it isn't going to be easy.  I think that is about it now.  I am going to go and take my place leaning on God and get some stress relief. 

God bless

Pretty Stumpy, I tried to find a picture of Calvin, but obviously only Steven knows where that is on my computer.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Christ united

1 Corinthians 1:10-17

10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,[a] in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas[b]”; still another, “I follow Christ.”

13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? 14 I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15 so no one can say that you were baptized in my name. 16 (Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don’t remember if I baptized anyone else.) 17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

I know I am going to sound like a broken record, but with the upcoming election I feel that I need to stress how much we need unity among Christians.  No matter who our preacher is and whose books we read.  It doesn't matter what podcasts we listen to and the tv programs we watch.  We are responsible for ourselves to know Christ.  They can bring the word to us, but we have to get into the Bible and read it.  We have to pray to God for guidance.  False prophets have been on my mind a lot as well.  Not sure why.  But, we have to make sure all who teach and preach are true in their teaching of God.  We cannot blindly follow anyone!  Please take time to learn the candidates and their stances.  But most of all take time to pray and study your Bible to know where God stands.  Pray for the candidates that they lead the country in accordance with God's will.  No matter who is president, senator, congressman or mayor among others, we MUST pray for them.  Whether you voted for them or not.

God Bless,


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Psalm 55:17 NIV
Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice.

Three years ago today I lost my mother to cancer.  It was a very sad day for me.  Relief that she was no longer in pain, but sadness that I no longer had her to talk to.  I remember standing out the back door talking to Jeff when they came and told us.  It has been a little over six years that we lost Bryan’s dad to cancer.  Again, cancer sucks!  I remember the pain I felt when he passed away as well.  Steven has lost two important people from his life due to it.  He still talks about Grandpapa and Granny quite a bit.  I don’t know that he will ever 100% understand why he no longer sees them.  Of course today has the happy side too.  My nephew Cory turns 21 today!  (Really, 21?)  It seems like yesterday Karen and I loaded into my little Ford with Seth and went to Arkansas to visit Jeff and Karen so we could see Cory not long after he was born.  It was a quick trip, but I loved being able to hold little Cory!  There are ups and downs almost every day.  Just look for them and if you can’t find the ups, God will hold you through it until you do.


God Bless,
This was taken at my mom's house.  Steven had a hard time going there after mom passed.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

This to shall pass

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
I think of this passage and know that soon God will bring Steven around and we will be going down the hall fine to class.  He hasn't walked to class since the day I played 16 Monkeys for him.  I tried playing it again, but it hasn't worked again.  Which I knew would probably be the case.  He has been exhausting his daddy and I.  Last night, he decided to start screaming and throwing for no apparent reason.  He wasn't mad, he just felt like it.  All Bryan and I could do was look at each other and shake our heads.  Of course this morning, I noticed the full harvest moon.  As beautiful as it was, I knew it was part of our problem.  I know that I could have it worse than I do and I thank God for that fact.  I also pray for those who deal with these same problems, worse and not as bad as us.  To each of us we have our own battles.  God will bring us through and remember there is a time for everything under Heaven.
God Bless,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I would rather be duped

Matthew 5:42 ESV    
Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

Today, Bryan and I were walking into the Kmart here at Fairview Heights. A man walked up to us and asked if we could spare some change for a homeless man to get a burger. I don't have a lot right now, but decided what ever 1s I had in my wallet was his. I had $3. As he walked away Bryan said or for beer. Which crossed my mind too. But Bryan knows as well as I do that we can't take that chance. What if he really needed the money for food and I said no. What does that say about my Christianity. Not much I tell you. I spared what I could. My mom always told me to go and get gift cards for from McD or somewhere so you knew exactly where it was being spent. So, if you need to, buy some and keep them on hand so you know where they spend it. But the point being, we are commanded to help out the poor. Matthew 25:35 and on talks about when we help those in need, we are helping Jesus. And yes, you may be in a financial bind, but even a small amount of change would help. Of course, always pray for them. Always remember, it could easily happen to each of us.

God Bless

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

If God is for us

Partial lyrics from Degarmo and Key "If God is for Us"

If you're weary, don't lose hope in fighting the good fight
Just remember, God is with you through the darkest night
In the heat of battle keep your head up high
God is marching with us. He's always at our side

If God is for us, who can be against us ?
No power on earth can take his love away
If God is for us, who can be against us ?
We can live in victory today

Today is a very tiring day.  I am glad I listened to this song on my Ipod this morning about first thing on our trip.  It was pouring down rain, we saw some oil pump containers on fire and Steven was noisy.  I knew I had to keep myself calm because I don't feel real well today, so I pulled out the old D & K.  Thankfully today is my appointment with the rheumatologist, ready to start getting answers.  Steven had another melt down right inside the door at school.  I tried to help Tyrine get him up off the floor, but it was a no go.  His anxiety is so high right now.  All he talks about is going camping.  The worst part is I think next week is going to be harder.  He has been telling me we are going camping on Monday Oct 1.  Well, we aren't he is going to school.  Oh so much fun!  Repeat the lyrics again Sherri.  Deep breath.  It will be ok, God is there to lean on.  Jesus is smiling at me and the Holy Spirit is holding me.  I can do this!  I know a lot of you out there pray for us on a regular basis and I thank you for that, it means so much to me.  I will update you when I get any news from the doctor. 

Take care and God bless,

The best thing about camping, he is geneally a happy boy

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do you hear that? Me neither.

2 Timothy 4:7 NIV
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

If you saw my post earlier today, you know I am happy with my boy.  If not, I will bring you up to speed.  Steven went to his classroom this morning after a stint of less than a minute on the floor.  Thanks to Los Lonely Boys' song 16 Monkeys.  Anyway, we picked him up from school and looked at his paper he had a wonderful day!  I don't know when the last time he had a day when he had  no work completed hand over hand and no non-compliance marked.  I am thrilled!  We fought the fight and kept the faith and finished at least part of the race.  I pray that we do not back pedal tomorrow, but if we do today gives us hope.  We had already decided yesterday to take Steven to hike at Cliff Cave in Missouri.  He had a blast getting to throw rocks and have some time out walking around.  Of course toys had to go, but that is fine with me.  It helps him keep himself busy as he walks.  He did great there and had a good ride on the way home.  His favorite Playstation game is still the original Tony Hawk Pro Skater that he played most of the way home.  From Johnsonville to Parkersburg he was in San Fransico purposely getting hit by the trolley and hippie van.  Days like this are so much fun.  I know tonight will be cold, but we are sleeping in the camper.  He deserves some extra reward.  I think I will head off to bed now have a good night.  I thank God for giving us such a wonderful day!!!!  Not only was it a good day with Steven, it was beautiful out to where we could give him good rewards.  Thank you Lord for loving us and caring for us.

God Bless,

Steven on the hike after stealing his Daddy's hat.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A beautiful Sunday

Psalm 100:1 KJV
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

We have been having some rough days lately with Steven.  He just hasn't wanted to be doing much of anything except for talking about camping.  He wants to go so bad, but to bad he will have to wait.  Today, he forgot it for awhile and went to church twice so far today.  We went this morning as usual and Steven got out and went in with no problems this morning.  Usually we have to talk him in even though there is no stopping the boy when he gets in there.  We got there and he went in and started jabbering at Tami and others right away.  He then got to see John, who he won't leave alone once he gets there.  Of couse we had to make sure he didn't hit Phil's hurt leg.  He finally decided he had enough and wanted to leave.  So I told him to go out to the van.  He started to head that way, but had to make a stop to say hi to Bert and Betty and then Linda.  He loves everyone at church and they love seeing him.  Roberta tells me his hugs makes her day.  We had a fellowship after church today and I went home and got Steven and Bryan thinking Steven might stay 5 minutes.  Well, Steven (and his computer) made it the whole fellowship.  He sat at a table away from everyone, but sat and jabbered at everyone as they ate.  We were even the last ones to leave the church!  I don't rememeber the last time Steven made it though a full fellowship if ever.  Of course Winnie's good cookies helped out.  It was just really nice to have family time together at church and us not have to chase Steven all over.  Bryan and I actually got enjoy ourselves as well.  Thank you God for such a loving and caring church family that they let Steven be Steven and they enjoy him at the same time!

God Bless,

This is Steven playing piano and singing while people were eating. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

My head hurts

Luke18:1 NIV
1Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

This verse is from the beginning of the passage for the parable of the persistent widow.  I have to keep reminding myself of this and other verses in the Bible at times like these.  You can only smash you head on a brick wall before it starts to really hurt.  Steven still will not walk to his classroom in the morning.  He flops on the floor in the hallway.  We have even seen his favorite teacher the past two mornings.  The one he talks about constantly on the way to school.  He won't even go to his room for her.  We have decided that Steven doesn't get Wendy's in the afternoon if he doesn't go to his classroom with us.  This started on Tuesday and we haven't been to Wendy's since Monday.  The past two days have been worse at school.  I feel for poor Tyrine.   I just have to remember to keep the path steady and not to give into him.  If I waiver, we will be back at square one.  I pray that God helps me keep it together and stay persistent with Steven.  Of course, Bryan is in on this too, we both have headaches.  Thankfully we have a great support system of people that love us. 

God bless,

Part of my support group

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exercise, Exercise All I do is Exercise

1 Corinthians 6:19 ESV
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own

Ok, now how many of you have your fingers going as you say the title?  Until recently I haven't done much of the exercising.  I knew that I needed to for my overall health.  When you have as many health issues as I do, exercise is very important.  When I was at home though I was either busy with Steven or if he was asleep or gone, I found housework to do.  I knew what good it could do for health period, but then I also saw the results Bryan and my brother Jeff got when they started at the gym in O'Fallon.  I started going in June.  Since that time, I have had several set backs.  I found excuses to not do it because of pain.  Well, I have decided pain or not I would do something 3x a week.  Of course by this time I should have been doing more.  Yesterday was the first day for me to walk and not be on the treadmill.  I was not looking forward to it not being a smooth surface and not flat.  I was being passed by people in their 60s and 70s at least.  I felt a little depressed.  But in the end, I did a little over a mile.  Not flat and not smooth.  I knew I had made progress.  Then today, I wanted to check out a part of a bike path for possible use with Steven.  I had not expected to go today, but Bryan had.  I didn't dress the part the best, but off I went.  I knew there was a Casey's down the way a mile or so and wanted to see how long it took to get there.  20-25 min was how long it was.  Perfect for Steven time wise and a reward at the end.  I sat down for about 5 minutes after getting a drink and small snack at Casey's.  I walked back to the van after considering waiting on Bryan and having him pick me up when he got back.  I looked at the map when I got back and the two points on the map were .9 miles apart.  I had to walk a little extra each way, so I will say a mile total.  That means today I walked 2 miles on smooth pavement, but not flat.  I feel great after it too. Yep, I think I need to increase it to 5 days a week of exercise.  I love the fact I am taking care of myself for me, God and a certain "little" boy.  Ok, maybe for Bryan too.  I know it is hard, but try it and you might like it.

God Bless,


A quiet hike in the Smokies

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On the same page

Numbers 24:12-13  NIV
12Balaam answered Balak, “Did I not tell the messengers you sent me, 13‘Even if Balak gave me his palace filled with silver and gold, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the LORD—and I must say only what the LORD says’?

This was in the reading I was doing today.  This is a good verse for people who question the stance of speaking when the Bible speaks and being silent when the Bible is silent.  We are not to add to God's word or take away from it.  How can we go and do anything but what God commands us to do.  This the same as Steven's IEP and the overall plan at ICA.  How can we consitently teach Steven what he should do to grow in life if we aren't on the same page.  We have to be as one as we teach Steven.  We also have to be as one when we discipline him.  As Steven sat on the floor this morning by Miss Kim and I someone set off the buzzer to get help with him.  There were about 5 people that responded to the buzzer.  If they all aren't on the same page of what to do, my son would remain on the floor the rest of the day.  But they know the plan and are excellent at implementing it to help my son have a better day.,  Please remember this verse as you go through your day as you are faced with decisions.  Obviously we have to do what we feel is right when the Bible is silent, but don't curse anyone when the Bible doesn't say it is wrong.  I use the word curse because of the context of the verse above.  It doesn't matter what we will receive from the world if we do as they ask, our treasure is laid up in heaven with God.  This way, we can make sure we stand united as Christians. 

God bless,

The picture of a parent when the school and them are not on the same page.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Never forget

I remember driving to work on Sept. 11th 2001.  Listening to the radio hearing about the planes hitting the twin towers.  Then sitting at work having the radio going listening to the them talk about the towers falling.  I remember seeing the towers falling on tv for the first time dropping to my knees crying out.  I was 32 on that day and had never felt so much sorrow and pain in my life.  I remember seeing Congress standing on the steps of the Capitol singing God Bless America.  I remember fearing that the turn to God for our country may not last.  I pray that people remember this day and remember God.  Please pray for all those who lost loved ones on that tragic day and pray for our country to turn back to God.

God Bless,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What's going on?

1 Peter 5:14 NIV

Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.

Steven has come to love going to church and greeting everyone.  He doesn' kiss them, but gives a lot of them big hugs.  Everyone gets a hi, how are you or what's going on.  Some people even get the joy of my child being in their face multiple times.  It is so good to see Steven love on everyone at the church and so good to see them love him back.  It saddens me to know there have been churches we attended where some people weren't very accepting of him.  I find it very hard to not smile when I see Steven or another child I know with special needs smiling at me.  They have such a geniune smile and love.  It is truly the unconditional love we are called to have. 

God Bless,

Go ahead and try to not smile at this beautiful picture.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Light Battery

Psalm 119:105
  105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path

"Light battery"   "What?"  I ask Steven because all I caught was battery.  "Light battery"  Oh ok, so I look around and sure enough there is the burnt out light bulb that is annoying my son.  "Give me a minute, I will get a bulb."  Over and over again he tells me light battery until I finally get it replaced.  I am not sure why Steven is obsessed by the light being burnt out, but it bothers him greatly.  I always try to keep light bulbs on hand for that very reason.  Me I can deal with it and wait, but not my son.  I am assuming it is because it is supposed to be on and things are just to out of place when it is out.  If I ever figure out why some things bother my son when they are out of place and other things he doesn't even notice, I will be a happy mom.  Thankfully, God's light doesn't need batteries or ever go out.  He doesn't have to make a quick trip to Wal Mart to make it work, he doesn't have to keep oil in the lamp, it just burns bright.  It shines constant to help guide us through our dark times where we don't know where to turn.  He will be more happy to make it burn a little brighter if we have our sunglasses on and can't see it, but it is there and God will never, never let it go out on us.

God Bless,

The light fixture that Steven gets worried about the most when the bulbs are burnt out.

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Jesus girls

Matthew 18:20 NIV

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them

I usually spend this time talking about my family life with Bryan and Steven.  Today I talk about my family life with Godsippers.  These girls are my sisters!  I know that they are there for me and I hope they know I am there for them.  I have longed for such a fellowship and this is it!  My only regret is I didn't start going sooner.  We laugh, love and learn about God.  It is so nice to be able to go in and talk to them about anything.  I do mean anything!  Those girls want to be there for you with any problem you have no matter how small.  They also want to help you rejoice when you have a triumph no matter how meaningless it may seem.  Any woman who is reading this and is the Olney area, please come and join us!  We meet at The Master's Hands on Whittle Thursday nights at 6:30.  I don't want to seem like I am putting down my congregation or any I have attended in the past.  They all mean so much to me and are a huge part of my walk with God.  I am talking about fellow sisters in Christ meeting and loving one another.  It is an experience that is unexplainable. 

God Bless,

(I hope you don't mind I borrowed your picture Bev!)

Thursday, September 6, 2012


John 14:16 KJV
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever

I woke up today in so much pain.  Why?  I have no clue.  Yesterday was such a good day.  I didn't even have pain with exercising.  Today I don't have to move to be in immense pain.  Yesterday, Steven had a pretty good day.  This morning, not the best.  Not a lot of hitting and kicking, but it was there and we kept waiting for the eruption.  It never came in the van.  We will have to wait and see about school.  Days like this would upset me so bad before.  I am pretty calm just craving some chocolate.  This is even without my anxiety medicine in me!  I am loving the new found Sherri that can handle life so much better.  I don't miss being overwhelmed just by the sight of dirty dishes.  I have gotten back to what is important.  God!  I am studying more and praying more.  God has brought me out of a bad situation and gave me one where I can flourish for Him.  I have remembered the Comforter.  He has been there to hold me so many times.  I still remember the first time I felt Him hold me in a time of hardship.  It is a wonderful feeling.  I am not saying I am through everything and go all the time with out my meds, there are times when the chemicals in my body are just way off.  But, I know that I have God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit on my side and that makes me smile.

God Bless,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

FOCUS! I'm sorry did you say something?

1 Peter 1:13 NIV
Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

I so try to prepare my mind to focus on God and what I need to do.  Reading isn't an easy task for me, it is just SOOOO boring.  I do it to the best of my ability, but I find my mind wandering.  I have been trying to read the book Made to Crave.  It is a great book by Lysa TerKeurst that works on helping you focus on God instead of food or whatever you body craves in order to overcome addiction.  I have been reading it for a while and can't get very far very fast.  I have been reading in the van taking Steven to and from school.  I finally decided to use my ipod to listen to while I read.  It works great!  But then Steven comes along.  I just have a hard time keeping track of where I am and wanting to continue to read when we start talking Sesame Street.  Very, very hard to concentrate after singing I'm an Aardvark.  Of course then you throw in all of the other things he likes to get my attention about.  However, the little voice is there that little voice you can't ignore saying get back to the reading.  It is like when I "ignore" Steven.  I may not look at him, but I think he knows he has my attention.  It is the same with God.  We may try to "ignore" God, but he knows that we are aware of Him and what we need to do.  All I can say is pray for me and others to be blessed with ability to focus. 

God Bless,
                                         The ever present boy

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The road ahead

Matthew 11:10  NIV cross reference Malachi 3:1

This is the one about whom it is written: “ ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’

I know that will be preaching to quite a few of the choir today.  Having a special needs challenge means having to look at the road ahead farther than you want to.  I am thinking constantly of what ifs with Steven's welfare.  Not just once he is out of school, but also when something happens to his daddy or I.  I am not saying others don't have to look ahead, but for the most part, those that don't have a disability can eventually be 100% on their own.  My child never will be on his own in way.  I know when Bryan and I married, we both wanted to live at a house with a pond.  Not happening now.  Even though Steven can swim, he would be hard to keep out.  With Steven's IEP coming up Tuesday, we are facing another round of what to do next.  Before I know it, my child will age out and not be able to go to the school.  I am praying he is able to stay that long.  Sometimes I worry the behaviors will cut it short.  I would love to plan definite what to do for Steven, but it won't happen.  My son comes first in our household for the most part.  Not always doing something for him, but how he will be affected by what goes on with us.  I know I was a wreck leading up to last Saturday.  I was so excited to get to see Def Leppard again after almost 20 years of not being able to attend a concert, but overshadows of Steven and making sure everything went right to get him to Grandma's consumed me.  I know that at the last minute my life can be turned upside down and the best laid plans get thrown out the window.  Not that I was going to die if I didn't go, but it was great concert and enjoyed my time with my hubby very much.  I remember back in 1998 I was shocked to find out my all time favorite band had put an album out in 1996.  I never thought anything could keep me from knowing when a Def record came out.  Steven did.  He was just starting to really show signs of his diability in '96 that outside of my home didn't really matter.  I just know that back then and now God is leading me through all of this.  He paved the way for my child to be in my life and to help Bryan and I assure he stays in our life and is happy.  I thank God for my boy even though he can so wear me out.  I wouldn't trade my child for the world.  I just have to keep my eyes on God and He will lead us on down the road.

God Bless

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shh do you hear that?

John 14:27

New International Version (NIV)
27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubledand do not be afraid.

We had another rough morning getting Steven into school.  Yesterday didn't go to bad, but we changed where we took him and I think the shock of quick he got to his room was to much for him to react.  But he did today.  His poor teacher had a fight on his hands I know.  Days like today make it nice when Bryan goes and rides his bike.  I get to sit outside and take in natures sights and sounds.  Yes, I still hear traffic some but the birds with their small voices over power them.  Bryan's peace is to go out and ride his bike and get away from it all and enjoy nature his own way.  He always sees some sort of critter and it helps him feel calm.  Unless of course the critter darts in front of him and he has to swerve to miss it.  God gives us peace to help us through the tough times.  I have been getting better and better at not letting my heart be troubled.  Not always easy, but I am getting there.  We are gearing up for Steven's IEP next week and wonder how it will go.  A rise in behaviors always makes for a mind spinning of what will be brought up.  Of course, his are at the beginning of the school year right after he gets a new aide.  Not that Steven doesn't like his new aide, just gotta get used to it.  I know I haven't said much on the verse, but it speaks so loud for itself.  Just listen to the birds and you will hear the peace of God.

God bless,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Please God get me through

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Ever had those days when you feel like every where you turn there is a huge brick wall that you smack into.  You look around and wonder where it came from.  Yes I know I have more than my share of them as well.  Like just now, I am trying to type and my computer or this website just freaked out on me.  Saved this as a draft and went to a new post in a matter of seconds.  With God it is possible for me to get through this day without a nervous breakdown.  Steven is going backwards on some areas again and it is the brick wall smacking us.  For whatever reason, saying Uncle Steve is beyond him right now.  Actually Uncle comes out fine, it is the Steve that takes several attempts before he gets it out.  There have been a couple of times he has just bypassed it and moved on to Uncle Mike.  Yesterday and last Monday it took 30 minutes to get Steven to his classroom in the morning.  Today didn't seem to be going much better.  With God it is possible for me to have peace that we will overcome these obstacles.  Bryan and I have been doing a lot of talking, thinking and praying on Steven's future.  Where should we live, what options do we have for him, etc etc.  I feel like a have plastic spoon trying to knock down that brick wall.  Not even a heavy duty plastic, just one of those cheap white ones.  But, I have to remember that God will make it possible for us to know these answers.  I just have to be patient and let God do it on His time schedule and not force it to my timeline.  I know there are so many of you out there that know what I am talking about and you are in my prayers.  Please remember what ever task you are facing, God has it in control.  Whether we realize it or not.

God Bless,


Friday, August 24, 2012

Knock Knock, I wonder who that could be

Matthew 7:7 NIV
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

For the most part, Steven has been overly happy today.  With the exception of going into school and tearing up his clothes.   My son knows to ask for what he wants. He doesn't always do it or get what he wants, but Mom and Dad know what he needs and won't let him hurt himself or give him everything to where he can't tell that he can't have everything his way.  He is always losing his toys and I have to go looking around the house.  He is getting better with going and looking on beds or on furniture when I tell him to, but he doesn't always move things to look for what he wants.  But eventually most things are found.  Still can't find the elusive red penquin though.  Knock and the door will be open.  Knocking on things is one of Steven's favorite games.  Then you have to quote Kermit the Frog afterwards.  Go look up Grover being a salesman and you should be able to figure that reference out.  Steven also knocks and knocks when there is a door between us.  He wants to see his Mom at all times.  So many times I think of how I need to be like Steven and see that God wants for me what I want for Steven and more.  God will care for us as we care for our children or should care for our children.  He knows what you need, but God wants you to reach out to Him to remember where our needs are meet.  He wants us to seek Him and His rightousness to help make our lives full and rich.  He wants us to knock on the doors of opportunity and walk with Him through life and be our pilot.  I know I am kinda rambling, but my brain is fried by the long week and the heat.  But I know that God will carry me through and help you decipher my ramblings.

God Bless,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finding the good in a long long day

Psalm 118:24

New King James Version (NKJV)
24 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

I will rejoice in the day I had yesterday even though it was long and stressful.  Steven did not want to go to school.  He was kicking me on the way in, tore up another pair of shorts and took at least 30 min to go down the hall to class.  I couldn't find the books I was looking for at the Christian bookstore, but Bryan found one he liked.  It took FOREVER at SSI and found out I was misinformed about when Steven's benefits would start.  BUT, Steven waited for over half an hour before us being told he didn't have to be there and he did not have a melt down.  I was also told I didn't have to come back it could all be taken care of that day.  So, it was long and stressful, but it could have been worse.  The Lord gave me another day to be alive, I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I know I am not where the picture is, but it makes me happy to look at.

God Bless,

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Matthew 11:28-30

New International Version (NIV)
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

It is so easy some days to just let it all get you down and give up and just go hide.  I have had this verse in mind a lot lately for various reasons.  One, Steven hasn't been having the best sleep patterns so I have been losing sleep over that.  His obsessing over camping and a non existent DVD is mental taxing.  I have been experiencing a good bit of pain that is making it impossible to sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time before waking up and having to make a conscience decision of how to lay down to go back to sleep.  It also has resulted in me waking up early even when Steven sleeps in.  And last but definitely not least.  There are so many people out there attacking people because they are Christians.  I understand there are those out there that call themselves Christian, but they forget the most important thing about being a child of God.  LOVE!  We have to LOVE people whether we agree with them or not.  We don't have to agree with them, we don't have to hang out with them, but we do have to LOVE them.  I know my refuge is in God and I know He loves me and will bring me through.  Just please remember that being a Christian and standing up for beliefs does not mean that you are hateful, ignorant or fearful.  So many people make that mistake when we disagree.  This means we need to show the world the LOVE of God all the more, to help them know we are not out to hurt them but to LOVE them.

God bless,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Be joyful always

1 Thess 5:16-18 NIV

16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

This is a scripture that is near and dear to my heart.  It helps me remember to find the good in everything.  It is there, I just gotta look past all the pain and negativity to see it.  I cannot dwell on all of the bad that I have to face everyday.  Yes, Steven has severe Autism and he cannot live on his own or even be left by himself.  But, I have the ability to care for my child and keep him safe at home.  It breaks my heart when I think that someday I may not be able to care for my child and he will live elsewhere.  He may be 18 and taller than me, but he is my "little" boy.  The picture was taken down in the Smokies and it is so easy to be thankful and prayerful when looking at it.  Such beauty.   Today, my boy is not feeling well.  It has been such a bad year for sinus and allergy trouble.  He goes back to school on Monday, so we will see how he is doing.