Thursday, October 18, 2012

Loss for words

Romans 8:26 NIV

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

The last several months have been hard and exhausting.  Between Steven's behaviors, not feeling the best, trying to keep life in general going and losing my sweet Stumpy, I am spent.  Steven is still ripping his shirts and underwear and it is driving us nuts.  The last few days have been a little better, but we still have a long way to go.  This is the worst time of year for my allergies and they are through the roof with all the leaves changing.  Life in general can wear me down and it has some, but not as bad as it has before.  I wasn't ready to lose Stumpy, she was at the vet on Saturday and he said she didn't need to be put down since she still had a good quality of life.  She did until about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning.  I thought I would have time to prepare me and Steven, but didn't.  I keep telling him Stumpy had to go live with the doctor because she is sick.  Which may come back and bite me in the butt next time he is sick and has to go to the doctor.  I guess I need to quit feeling sorry for myself and go out and walk here at this beautiful park. 

Take Care and God bless,


Meremec Greenway/Wabash Frisco and Pacific Railhead area

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