Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oh be careful little mouth

Proverbs 15:1 NIV

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Galations 6 NIV

6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.

I am seeing so many people who confess to be Christian continually doing and saying things that are not done with love.  How can you do such a thing!  God commands us to love. 

When you see the members of Westboro church showing signs saying that God hates fags, please remember that is not how a Christian is called to act.  Even when we believe that being gay is a sin.  If God hated homosexuals for their sin, then He would hate us all because we all sin!  God cannot be where there is sin as shown when he had to turn His back on Jesus when he took our sins on himself while on the cross. I am so ready for the elections to be over as a lot of things that are aggrivating me are due to things being said out on the campaign trail.

If you have someone being a "Christian" bully to you, please let me know and I will have a good heart to heart with them.  When they say they are Christians and act like they do, they are as good as taking the Lord's name in vain. 

Ok, soapbox done for now. 

FYI,  Steven has been doing pretty good since staying home.  He ripped one shirt last night when I was gone, but went 2 days without doing that.  We are planning on taking him to the Gulf Coast soon to see if that will help his school issues, but who knows.  We took him "camping" twice over the summer. 

As always take care and God bless.


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