Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exercise, Exercise All I do is Exercise

1 Corinthians 6:19 ESV
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own

Ok, now how many of you have your fingers going as you say the title?  Until recently I haven't done much of the exercising.  I knew that I needed to for my overall health.  When you have as many health issues as I do, exercise is very important.  When I was at home though I was either busy with Steven or if he was asleep or gone, I found housework to do.  I knew what good it could do for health period, but then I also saw the results Bryan and my brother Jeff got when they started at the gym in O'Fallon.  I started going in June.  Since that time, I have had several set backs.  I found excuses to not do it because of pain.  Well, I have decided pain or not I would do something 3x a week.  Of course by this time I should have been doing more.  Yesterday was the first day for me to walk and not be on the treadmill.  I was not looking forward to it not being a smooth surface and not flat.  I was being passed by people in their 60s and 70s at least.  I felt a little depressed.  But in the end, I did a little over a mile.  Not flat and not smooth.  I knew I had made progress.  Then today, I wanted to check out a part of a bike path for possible use with Steven.  I had not expected to go today, but Bryan had.  I didn't dress the part the best, but off I went.  I knew there was a Casey's down the way a mile or so and wanted to see how long it took to get there.  20-25 min was how long it was.  Perfect for Steven time wise and a reward at the end.  I sat down for about 5 minutes after getting a drink and small snack at Casey's.  I walked back to the van after considering waiting on Bryan and having him pick me up when he got back.  I looked at the map when I got back and the two points on the map were .9 miles apart.  I had to walk a little extra each way, so I will say a mile total.  That means today I walked 2 miles on smooth pavement, but not flat.  I feel great after it too. Yep, I think I need to increase it to 5 days a week of exercise.  I love the fact I am taking care of myself for me, God and a certain "little" boy.  Ok, maybe for Bryan too.  I know it is hard, but try it and you might like it.

God Bless,


A quiet hike in the Smokies

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