Tuesday, January 21, 2014

When life gives you lemons, count your blessings.

Psalm 103:2

Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits

The lemon list

uncontrolled depression
It is amazing when you type in symptoms into web md that it comes up being part of your depression.  There are things I never realized were connected to depression

A son with autism that enjoys screaming for no reason at all.  I got some strange looks when I was going through the bank drive through and Steven scream bloody murder for unknown reasons 

Fibromyalgia, with the cold weather and having to be outside some today the wind was literally hurting me

Not having enough time to get paperwork done

I know there are others, but I will stop there

The blessings list

I live in a country where I can get help that I need for my depression

A child that is 19 but still loves to hug his mom and tell me he loves me.  Also tonight, he fell as sleep early.

A loving husband, family, church family, spiritual family @ MH and friends

Not having enough time to get paperwork done-you have to love all the trucks God sends us to have product to give the people in this county.

My depression has been hitting me hard today.  So much, that I am going to finally listen to God and start therapy.  I have music therapy going right now.  A new Los Lonely Boys came out today, so I’m listening to it.  After that, I will find more soothing music to listen to. 
If you are reading this and you have depression that you’re not getting treated, please do not be like me.  I took too long to get on medication and much too long to decide on therapy.  I know that used easier said than done.  I will never forget all of the thoughts that went through my head before I started medication.  They are a lot of what is going through my head now.  God gave us medication and therapy to help us be stronger.  We have to remember that to many people misuse and abuse it.  We can’t let those negative connotations stop us from what we need to do.  Anybody who is reading this and has questions or need help getting started on the path to wellness please contact me. I am serious here, don't hesitate to contact me on Facebook or at one of the ways below.

mousehill7@gmail.com    Skype: mousehill7    

I pray that you all find the comfort and love you need in God.  Surround yourself with people who will uplift you and take your needs before God on your behalf.  They are out there; I will do what I can to help you find them.

Take Care and God Bless,

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