Monday, January 27, 2014

Fellowship brings blessings

Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Lately God has been laying on my heart about the importance of being with fellow Christians on a regular basis.  I am going to spend the next several weeks posting several blogs about it.  

As I am writing this, I have tears for a another wonderful, loving Christian man that God has called home. They aren't really tears of sadness, but of how much I will miss the blessing of being around him.  I rejoice that he knew God and is now with Him.   

It is so easy to bless others around you.  Even a smile can do the trick or a simple hello.  You will find that the more you think you are blessing others, that you are being blessed by them.  It is part of God's plan to help us grow in Him.  It part of why it is important to being in the midst of Christians on a regular basis.  God knows that we need to be blessed and to be filled time and time again with the godly love of others.  

It is truly amazing to see what God has in store for you if you just go and follow His voice.  God will not lead you into a place that He will not be by your side.  For some it is a task as simple as talking to a neighbor who needs an ear.  Where as others are called to go out and work with the homeless on the streets.  There are even those called to go out to other parts of the world to spread God's blessings.  Others of us travel the US spreading God's love.  

It doesn't matter how small or how big of a task God has set for you.  Every single task is just as important as the next.  God puts us where we can best be used.  He will lead us to be His vessel.  

It is like a lady that came in today to the food bank.  She had been in Friday and needed enough to get her through to Monday.  She thanked me for the items I gave her when she came in.  They were exactly what she was needing.  I told her that God has a way of making sure that happens.  

God will put you in situations that you are comfortable with and you know why you are there.  Other times, you will feel uneasy and have no clue what God was thinking.  Just remember to trust God and let His blessing run through you to others.

Take care and God bless,

One of the things I love most is to hear and watch the geese as they migrate.  This picture was taken by my friend Bev at Red Hills State Park.

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