Sunday, June 30, 2013

30 Days of Accountability: Day 2

1 Thessalonians 5:17  NIV

pray continually

I had decided to use the app that I have on my phone for my daily verse, but today it didn't happen.  I had a short lesson in Children's Church on the above verse and it seems to be the theme of the day.  I find myself constantly talking to God and asking him to touch and comfort people through out my day.  I do believe that is what this verse is about.  I know I wanted to set aside a time to sit and pray to God along with what I do through out the day.  Yesterday and today I found myself not praying.  Not because I didn't try but that I felt like God was hushing me.  The time I set aside for prayer has become quiet time with God.  It has become a time where I feel the Holy Spirit just holding me, refreshing me.  It is like when Bryan or I are having a bad day and we seek the other one out because we just need to be held by the one that we love and loves us.  Hugging Bryan can make me feel so much better.  The Holy Spirit holding me does that times 10.  Not that I don't pray some, but I mainly sit in the quiet and feel God filling me back up.  Filling me spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.  I must say I have had a better day today.  I have hit 4 of my 6 goals.  I had a much better day eating wise and got most of the housework I set out to do done.  The only thing I set out to do that I didn't get done was folding the laundry.  Which I didn't get to because while I was laying down with Steven for quiet time this afternoon, my wonderful hubby did it before I could.  I love my man!!!  Tomorrow starts a new week for Steven at school, it is going to be a wonderful one I know.  God has it and we will get through it.

Take care and God bless,

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