Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 1

30 Days of  Dealing Living:  Day 1

I'm trying so hard
To stop trying so hardJust let you be who you are
Lord, who You are in me
From Casting Crowns-The Altar and the Door

These are lyrics my sister Terri shared with me this morning and she is right, this hits the nail on the head with how I am feeling.  It was a pretty good day all in all.  I ate pretty good until it came to the Doritos Sour Cream and Onion chips.   I walked 1 mile at the gym walking 2.3 mph with a 0 incline.  It was kind of a rough morning and didn’t feel too ambitious.  I got some dishes and laundry done.  Hubby helped me with the laundry some.  I had one down time.  I had to call SSI about a letter I received about Steven and they seem to have lost paperwork that has already been done.  I was talking to Vincennes and everything was done with Belleville.  I definitely was dealing with this. L  I should have prayed before making the call, I will make to do that before I contact Belleville.   

 Steven had a big fit when we left the house for about 30-45 minutes.  He was getting physically aggressive.  He didn’t want to go back to school, he wanted to go back on vacation.  I was able to keep my mind clear enough to start praying and I finally decided to ask Steven if he wanted his Ren and Stimpy music.  He immediately sat up and calmed down and almost feel asleep while listening to it.  We had some trouble with the computer and he was doing pretty good with it where as other times it would have been a major fit.  He had a decent day at school, but he didn’t walk to class.  We had a good ride home and he was good overall tonight at home.  Uncle Mike came over to pick up some stuff and he was happy to see him.  We had some trouble because Steven wanted to sleep out in the camper.  Nothing major and he fell asleep by 8:00 while playing computer. 

I am going to end with the blessings of the day.  I don’t see how I can ever leave out my loving husband Bryan and our boy-boy Steven.  It is also a blessing to have ICA taking care of Steven’s schooling.  It is definitely a God send.  Also my sister Terri, as I stated above she hit the nail on the head with the lyrics she quoted to me.

Take care and God bless,


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