Definition of KOINONIA
1 : the Christian fellowship or body of believers
2 : intimate spiritual communion and participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community <the koinonia of the disciples with each other and with their Lord>
Origin of KOINONIA
Gk koinōnia communion, association, partnership, fr. koinos common
I love my church family SO MUCH!!!!!! I love Sundays! There is nothing better than going to church and seeing the smiling faces. Unfortunately Steven wasn't able to make it. He is doing better, but I didn't want him going and getting in everyones faces. He was missed and he missed them. It is a wonderful feeling to know that Steven can be Steven there and no one thinks twice. We had a pretty good day at home. We took Steven out for lunch just to get him out of the house for a little bit. Bryan was talking about a Sharon and Steven thought he said Sharilyn. Steven wanted her to come over and take him swimming. It has been a couple of years since she helped with him during the summer, but he still thinks about it. He got over that, but woke up wanting to sleep in the camper. A few small outbursts about it, but nothing to worry about. It has overall been a really god day here at the Gibson household. I was able to even get some housework done.
Steven is feeling better
A calm happy day for everyone!
Take care and God bless,
When I see a sky like this, all I can think of is God is shining a smile down on me.
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