Friday, May 15, 2015

It's been way to long

Psalm 85:8-9 NIV

I will listen to what God the Lord says;
    he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants—
    but let them not turn to folly.
Surely his salvation is near those who fear him,
    that his glory may dwell in our land.

Today I sit at home again away from The Master's Hands like I have done a good bit over the past few weeks.  Between being sick, Steven not going to school and a broken down vehicle I have just sat.   As I have been sitting this morning, I have wondered if I have been listening to God and what He is trying to tell me.  I have sort of, but not like I should.  I do believe that Bryan is right and I need to slow down.  I don't know that I want to, but I need to.  Life throws changes at you and you have to go with the flow.  I seem to usually do like the salmon and try to swim upstream instead.  

Then my thoughts turned towards others.  Who out there isn't listening to God and doing as he asks.  I wonder if people would listen to God and take the time do what they are asked, how different the world would be.  There is so much burn out among Christians who do work for the Lord.  So many people don't want to be the worker, they want to just go to church and fill a seat and make themselves feel good.  But, me not listening and slowing down isn't a good thing either.  Because no matter you aren't doing as God has asked.  

Don't read this and think that I am leaving The Master's Hands or anything that I am doing at church.  Because, I'm not going anywhere.  I am just listening to God and taking better care of myself.  That includes resting my body like I need to.  

I know how Satan can keep you from listening to what God has asked of you.  Satan will plant a seed of fear in you to keep you away.  Satan will plant obstacles to keep us away.  The hardest part of listening to God in jumping up and down to get Satan away.  I have been there so many times as I'm sure we all have.  Let go and let God.

God bless,

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