Saturday, March 22, 2014

The body of Christ

When you hear about the body of Christ, you tend to think of the church.  But tonight, I'm going to talk about our own bodies.  It has been placed on my mind lately how we need to make our bodies like the body of Christ.  I'm going to start of the top and work my way to the bottom.

I'm going to start with the eyes.  I was not able to find a scripture were talk about Jesus' eyes.  But I think we can figure out how his eyes were.  We know he looked at those in need with compassion.  We night to try and keep our eyes as compassionate as possible when looking at others.  Of course we also have to remember, our eyes can only see the physical not what is going inside of their mind and in their heart.  We also need to keep our eyes open for those who are in need.  Those who need a helping hand to put groceries in their car or those who just need a smiling face.  We need to be on the lookout on how we can spread the love of Jesus.
I really don't think that we've ever heard anything about Jesus and his nose.  I'm not sure how our nose can be Christ like.  But I guess we have to make sure not turn it up at people.  Christ deftly would not have done that.

Let's go on to that pesky thing known as the mouth.  Our mouth can either sign for Jesus or ruin how people think of Christians.  We need to keep our words kind and full of love.  We also need to use our mouth to give the smiles away.  No one is going to want to talk to a grumpy Gus.  We also need to know when to keep our mouths silent and to use our ears to hear.

Which brings us to our ears.  We need to keep our ears tuned to what is good.  We need to keep our ears from listening in on gossip.  We need to block them from those who speak unkindly of others.  If we let too much bad seep in through them it is hard to keep the mind focused on good.
I guess before we leave the head need to speak about our mind.  We need to do our best to keep our mind set like Christ.  We need to keep focused on doing good and helping others.  We need to try and not to focus on ourselves or all of the negativity of around us.  We need to keep our mind in the proper attitude so we can help others.  We also need to use it to show respect and to keep our common sense in line.  Try to keep a scripture or a Godly song in our mind to help keep the bad things out when they try to sneak in.

Now we will move on to our arms.  I guess you include the shoulders as part of the arms.  We need to keep our shoulder strong to help carry the weight of what others are dealing with.  But, we also need to know when to take a load off our shoulders and put on someone else.

Let's talk about the actual arms now.  We need to use them to wrap each other up in love.  We need to be careful, but not be scared to hug each other.  We also need to use our arms to reach out.  Without arms you can't reach very far.
Our hands can do so much good for God.  They can help feed, build, touch, comfort and many other things in the name of Christ.  We have to be careful not to let them hurt others.  Course they can also clapped, wave, shake, and make other gestures to praise God or to give a friendly gesture to someone in need.
Our legs can take us where we need to go to spread the word of Christ.  They can take us to church or to places we need not be.  It can take is down the road to share God's word with a neighbor or to walk away from someone in need.  We can use our legs and feet stand firm in Christ or to kick someone when they are down.  I think we know which ones we need to be doing.
I am sure when I look back at this, I'm going to think of things I meant to put in.  But, I am confident that I have written down what God wanted me to.  I know keeping our body like that of Christ is easier said than done.  I thank God for sending him to die and a cross for me.

My body is in pain 24/7.  Probably for over a year there has not been a day I have not felt at least some pain.  Some days the pain is all but nonexistent and I feel like my old self.  I know though no matter how much pain I feel Christ felt more when he died on the cross.  Even when he was on the Mount of Olives praying before he was crucified he was in such anguish that his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.  (Luke 22:44)  I also have never felt railroad spikes being driven through my hands and feet.  I do thank God that he spared Jesus the pain of having his legs broke on the cross. (John 19:33) I'm overwhelmed at this moment thinking of the pain he felt without that even happening.
I pray you take the time to ask God to bless your body and make it like Christ.  Ask that you pray the same for me.

Take care and God bless!
Your loving sister in Christ,

Forgive me for any grammatical errors.  I am not able to reread at this moment.  I pray God gives you the eyes to see past them and see what I meant to put.

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