Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The voice, the call

The voice, the call

The voice speaks to you letting you know the plan,
The voice calms the storm that is within.
The voice gives you all the strength to stand,
The voice keeps all of the doubt at bay.

It is harder to ignore than the bill collector on the phone,
It is much harder to hear than the whispers in the night.
It is never going to steer you in a way that’s wrong,
It is important to what all it has to say.
They are the most important conversations to have,
They are there where you least expect them to be.
They are one the best gifts you were ever gave,
They are there to help lead you on your way.

I have spent a good part of my day working on a plan for the Godsippers Household and Clothing Ministry for when we move into a building.  I sit and wonder why God called me to do this.  I don't know why, I just know he did.  It can be very exhausting, but more rewarding than anything else.  Thankfully my husband fully supports me in the endevor.  We don't have much of a family room right now.  There are clothes and boxes of clothes everywhere.  I know that sometimes when you follow God's calling, it can get in between you and others.  It is important to be there for others when they go and follow the plan God has set for them.  Just make sure and be prepared for anything that God may send your way.  Such as praying to have the ability to specialize in working with Autistic children and God giving you your own Autistic child.  Yep, God has a sense of humor.  I know of people that have left their job to follow the plan and others that are working on getting the plan in full swing.  I keep you all in prayer on your journeys.

Take care and God bless,

My "little" blessing

1 comment:

  1. "Be not afraid --I go before you always --Come Follow me , and I will give you Rest " That is part of song we sing at St Joe ...when I started to send a message to you , it began to play in my head ...
