Sunday, February 9, 2014

Waiting on the truck

Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Friday afternoon we sat up at The Master's Hands waiting on our monthly truck to come in.  We were all in the coffee shop hanging out.  Talking, laughing and just enjoying each others company.  We see each other several times a week if not everyday.  But, we rarely get a chance to just fellowship with each other with no interruptions.  We have to take time to enjoy each others company.  It can't be all work, we have to take time to fellowship.  It recharges our batteries.  

Then on Saturday, Steven was close to a melt down most of the morning.  He had decided we needed to go to church and see everyone.  I am not sure why he thought everyone would be there a day early.  He really wanted to see Tami, Winnie, Bert and everybody else.  He was craving the fellowship he gets on Sunday morning.  He didn't want to wait, he wanted it now!  He calmed down after getting a nap and didn't ask for it anymore.  

Shouldn't we all be like that?  Maybe not the meltdown, but the craving of fellowship.  We need to crave being around other Christians and enjoying spending time with them.   We need to remember that we all belong to one body and to each other.  Romans 12:4-5 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Take Care and God Bless,

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow, snow and more snow

Matthew 18:10

For where two or three are gathered together in my name,bthere I am in the midst of them.

Well, once again we are looking out our windows and seeing snow.  Praying that it isn't enough to cancel school, but time will tell.  We have had more snow this winter than usual.  During the winter, I rarely believe that we are going to get the snowfall they call for.  It usually just passes us by and life goes on.  This winter though I prepare for it, because we have been getting slammed with most of what they say we will get.  Steven has been out of school so much, it is driving even him nuts.  

Then we also have The Master's Hands being closed when there is no school due to the weather.  So much so that we did stay open a couple of days just so we could get the food line run.  We had so many days off in December and January, it was unreal.  

I so miss being up at MH when we are closed.  It is wonderful to be around all of the people that come up not only to work, but just to visit and have coffee. (While typing that last line, I got the call.  No school tomorrow. )  I guess I will just have to hang out with my boy and my hubby.  Which in and of itself is nice.  

Fellowship at home is as important as church and other places we get together with fellow Christians.  It doesn't come by easy around here and I think I will like it.  Yep, I see a half way lazy day in my future tomorrow.

Take time to fellowship with those in your house and praise God together.  Remember you don't have to be with a bunch of Christians for God to be present.  But the more you are around the others, the more uplifted you will feel.  The more opportunity there will be for you to help others and they help you.

Take care and God Bless,

Some Daddy and boy time.  Steven was helping Bryan with checking the tires and such on the truck and trailer.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Learn to count, please

An excerpt from What Does the Bible Say About That by Carolyn Larsen

Obedience-Time to Face the Facts

If you say you love God, but don't obey what you know he wants you to do, then your love may be only lip service.  God doesn't insist that you obey because he wants to run your life.  He want you to obey because obeying him helps you be a better person-more kind, fair, loving, and considerate. Obeying him means obeying others isn't an issue.  Obeying puts your love into action.

Today I am going to talk about my fear for the future of this community.  I remember working at Hardee's and having to figure out the change people got back.  Then actually counting it back to them.  Today, it is figured out for them with the computerized cash registers.  Yet, somehow in the past week, I have had three young people at three separate businesses mess up on my order.  I don't remember the specifics on the first, other than I had to point out they were giving me to much change.  The second one happened yesterday.  My order totaled $12.04 and I gave them $20.04 so I get $8 back, easy right?  Nope I got 13.55 back.  Then when I said something he took back a nickel.  I looked at the kid and said I thought it was $12.04.  He said oh thanks and took the rest of the change back.  I again said something to him and so he took everything back and looked at it again.  Finally, I got the right change back.  Today, I went to pay for an order and it didn't seem like I was charged enough.  They said that everything was on there.  When I got the receipt, they charged me for one cookie and not three.  I pointed this out to them and they said no problem just take it.  Seriously?  It is a good thing I am honest.  It makes me wonder how many people they have done this to that aren't honest. This is a scary thought how much the businesses could be losing due to this.  We are a small community, a real small community.  Not a 50,000 people community.  It is hard enough, let alone with people giving away money.  I would love to say that people who say they are Christians would be honest about this.  Unfortunately there are a lot of people who say they are Christians, but don't live it.  Which is why others who are honest have a problem with going to church with "Christians" who do this.  Please don't let those who pretend keep you from fellowshipping and worshipping God with true Christians.

Take care and God bless,