Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My new family

Philippians 2:1-4. NIV

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and  compassion, then make my joy complete by being like- minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourself, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

I was originally going to speak about something else. But, I decided to go with something positive instead of the negative that was originally on my mind. I have a wonderful biological family that loves me to no end. I know that they are there for me.   As being the youngest out of 7, I was picked on mercilessly as a kid.  But, even then I knew that they loved me.  If you ever have a problem with my attitude or sarcasm they are the ones to blame.

I have a beautiful family at church as well. That takes us as we are & they have no problems at all with Steven. We unfortunately did not get that every church we went to. It was mainly the bigger churches, where people were more prim and proper.  Steven loves going to greet everyone, outside the building of course you cannot stay inside to greet.  Even when it is not our official time to greet Steven is still a greeter.  And, you have to make sure to greet everyone multiple times not just once. I'm glad that everyone thinks it is funny and no one is offended.

Now for the new family I talked about in my title. My new family, is the one at the Masters Hands.  I have worked there now for about 9 months. It has been a life changing experience to say the least.  I have met some the most amazing people up there. God has placed so many different people in my life that I would have never met otherwise. We have so much fun up there, while sharing the Word of God. We definitely have our moments when we get on each others nerves. But, we know we love each other very much. So no matter what I know they are there for me. We have all come from different backgrounds and our own sorrows. I don't know the anyone else could get such a mish mash of people to get along. 

I challenge you all to step outside your comfort zone and find a group of people to serve God with  in ways you never thought of. I know that's what I did and I couldn't have asked for a better place to be.  It doesn't have to be a food pantry.  It can be simple as a Bible study or a coffee shop group of people to talk with.  God has wonderous plans for us all.  We just got to get out there and find it.

I want to clarify what I mean by wonderous plans.  I was reading different things on the internet when I went to find my verse at the end. It seems that some equate wonderous plans with everything  going right 100 percent. That is not what I mean.  If you are living for God, things will more or less never be a hundred percent right. Satan will see you doing good and try to turn your life upside down. So you can have a wonderful life and not a perfect one.

Take care & God bless,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Many Thanks and A Wedding

Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.

I have so much to be thankful for. 
1.  A hubby that will go out in the horrible weather to make money for the family 
2.  The states of Illinois and Missouri for getting their highways clean of the ice and snow, so when my hubby goes to Arkansas he only has to deal with what is left in Arkansas.
3.  The school district for cancelling school tomorrow.  When I can't go over 10 mph on the Calhoun blacktop without sliding, the buses don't need to be out.
4.  To the road crews that have worked hard to get the roads as clear as they are.  With the temps, it has been hard to do this as the rock salt hasn't had a chance to really work.
5. To Phil E. for clearing our driveways with his tractor so I didn't have to do it with a shovel.
6. For the wonderful people at Casey's and Taco Bell for helping me when I was being stupid.  (hard to believe I was that way I know)
7.  My great family for helping keep Steven happy before the wedding.  Esp. Uncle Jeff and Jen for letting him ride part way with them.
8. For God keeping me safe on the drive to and from Collinsville today and for keeping Steven happy long enough to be at the wedding.

I know there are others that I am missing, but that is what I can think of right now.

The wedding!  My niece Courtney got married today!  I was worried I wouldn't get to go, but I did.  She has gone from a cute little girl to a beautiful young woman.  I wish her and Shane many year of happiness and God's blessings. It was a lovely wedding but also a humorous one.  I hope they keep the humor, they will need at times during their marriage.  I just don't think Shane realizes what he got himself into by marrying into our family.  

Take care and God bless,


Steven, Courtney and Baby Bear
Courtney was getting her picture taken by where we were waiting before the wedding.  Steven kept trying to go over with her.  We were teasing Courtney about taking a picture with Baby Bear.  She picked him up to do so and Steven took him from her.  It's blurry but I love it.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

It happens year round, but right now it seems there are more out there with the holiday season.  I am talking about commercials trying get support for various charities.  I can sit here and think which ones should I support.  How do we decide what to donate to.  Simple it is what our heart believes in the most.  It is more than likely something that has touched our hearts.  I am more likely to give to a charity for autism or cancer than I am to give to one for epilepsy or downs syndrome.  Simply because I am touched on a personal level by autism and cancer.  It isn't because I don't think the others aren't worth the time and money, I just have only so much to give.  I pray when I see the commercials for the ones I don't donate to that God's finds the means for them to receive donations.  I pray that those who can give to a multitude of charities does so.  I realize that not everyone can give money, but possibly your time.  Even taking the time to pray, is a big help.  

God knows when we give to him and others we need to be sincere about our giving.  Ananias and Sapphira didn't and it got them killed.  I don't think we will be killed over it, but it will weigh heavy on us if we don't do it out of the goodness of our hearts.  It will also run the chance of us having the feeling of animosity and less likely to give at a later time to a charity we really care about.  

This goes back to an earlier blog about you never know what someone is going through.  Don't judge someone because they don't support the same charity as you.  Their heart will be touched by what has touched their lives.  

During this holiday season, please keep everyone in prayer.  We have just passed Thanksgiving and coming up on Christmas and New Year's.  It is a hard time for a lot of people for different reasons.  I pray that everyone finds peace this year and a loving place to celebrate the holidays.

Take care and God bless,

Nick as a baby.  One reason that Christmas is hard.  It reminds me of losing him.  But, I know that my family will all gather together on Christmas and we will have a great time even while grieving Nick and others we have lost.