Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don't stop growing

2 Peter 3:18 NIV

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

The past two weeks have been very trying and very rewarding.  Bev has been gone 5 days from up at The Master's Hands over that period.  So I have had to step up and take care of things.  I thank God that he gave me the ability to do this, but most of all for giving me such wonderful help up there.  It is truly a team effort up there and I love all of the great volunteers that come in. Then we Steven acting up over that time period as well.  He has been not wanting to get on the van and go to school.  The good thing, once he is one and they take off he is fine.  He thinks he should get to go on vacation again. Oh the joys of trying to explain it to him. It is doesn't help, but maybe someday it will.  He continues to grow day by day.  He amazes me at how far he has come and I know he only has more greatness ahead.  

One of the reasons Bev was gone was to go to a seminar to learn more about how to make the most of serving God and helping others.  She has been fired up and fired all of us up!  She has grown in her walk with God.  I know that she will help us all grow as well.  I know that with the responsibilities I had to step into has helped me grow in my walk with the Lord.  I have seen others grow the past two weeks as well.  

For all of you out there who only go to fellowship with other Christians on Sunday morning are missing out.  The more you gather together in the name of the Lord the more you grow.  I have seen God give people the strength to say no to temptation just from being up at The Master's Hands on a daily basis.  They have come in to volunteer and have been fed.  They have learned to turn from temptation.

God has given us a dance floor, a stage, a table and other ways to serve him and grow with others.  Don't ever stop growing!

Take care and God bless,


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Power of prayer and God's perfect timing

Ecclesiastes 8:6 (NIV)

For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter,
    though a person may be weighed down by misery.

I decided to come here tonight and do another blog.  It has been a wonderful night!  Bryan found out that he wasn't able to get a load today so he was going to be home.  So, I got the chance to go to Godsippers!  I always love when I get the chance to go.  I wasn't sure what was going on, but to be with my sisters in Christ is always a good time.  About 3:30 this afternoon I received a call from Amy who usually leads wasn't going to be able to be there.  I told her I would take care of it.  I quickly had the idea of having a prayer and praise night.  We had 16 women and 5 children there.  We had several sessions of prayer for ladies.  It was such a moving night.  I had them pray for me as well.  I brought up somethings that I hadn't planned on and found help for some of my problems.  God knew that I was needed at Godsippers tonight and that I needed to be at Godsippers.  God knew that there a lot of us that were needing prayer and gave us the opportunity to be there for each other.  Listen when God talks to you, he will speak to your heart.  God will let you know what you need and how to help others.  He will place rainbows, cherry blossoms, moons and other little things to help you smile and help make your day go better.  

Take care and God bless,


Steven's newest Sesame Street skit.

Herry:  Hi Tricia

Tricia: Oh hi Herry

Herry:  Nice moon huh

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Open your heart to God

James 1:5  NIV

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Open you heart to God.  Are you waiting for his healing?  Are you hurting or questioning a decision God has made?  Open your heart to God.  Will opening our heart help us find out why God does what he does?  Good chance that it won’t.  Open your heart to God.  Looking for your purpose in life?  Wanting to know which direction to go?  Open your heart to God.    You can’t accept God’s healing powers and direction without having an open heart.  God wants to give you what you need, but he can’t until you open your heart.  Does God know what we need without asking?  Yes he does, but he can’t give you what you need if you don’t open your heart to him. 

This is pretty short, but I felt like it was what was needed to be said.  I know that when my nephew Nick passed away, I had so many doubts and questions.  I didn't go to God and tell him how I felt.  He knew how I felt, but I didn't open my heart to tell him.  Once I did, I was able to start healing and moving on.   

Take care and God bless,